Pirate Islands: The Lost Treasure of Fiji

Pirate Islands: The Lost Treasure of Fiji

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Game On Feb 12, 2007

Three Australian computer game champs, Tyler, Marty, and Alison and one Fijian computer champ, Kirra are forced to swap their game consoles for real swords when they are thrown into a virtual pirate island world in Fiji.

EP2 Sanctuary Feb 13, 2007

Sol evicts Tyler's trio from the native village, fearing they might be pirate spies, so they penetrate the island, looking for a place to camp, till they find a shipwreck on the beach.

EP3 Nemesis Feb 14, 2007

Tyler's trio as well as Marty and Blackheart's pirate crew each desperately continue the treasure hunt, searching for the real map in parts scattered over the island.

EP4 Without Paddles Feb 15, 2007

Captain Blackbeard has a surprise for Marty: big brother Tyler is captured and chained, but refuses to talk about the treasure.

EP5 Secrets and Lies Feb 16, 2007

Tyler's trio plays the two Salty's individual pride against each-other to trick them into telling about the treasure.

EP6 Poison Feb 19, 2007

Tyler's team is blackmailed to tell the pirates the whereabouts of the treasure map to get the antidote for the poison Lily uses on Allison...

EP7 Mutiny Feb 20, 2007

Following the Salty duo's cryptic clues to 'search deep' for the second part of the treasure map, Tyler's trio enters the dangerous enchanted forest, where the girls get arguing, but end up making up and using the mask the right way.

EP8 Cross and Doublecross Feb 21, 2007

Marty convinces mutineers 'captain' Lily to let him off cabin boy duty - endless chores and knife target practice with the boy as target - to get a piece of the treasure map from gullible brother.

EP9 Choices Feb 22, 2007

The village holds its annual tournament for the title of bravest worrier.

EP10 Broadside Feb 23, 2007

Lily has thrown Marty in irons, but he gets a message 'help!' out in a bottle which Tyler finds and stirs the mutineers crew against her lack of results

EP11 Drum Roll Feb 26, 2007

Alison destroys the sacred village drum and the game malfunctions threatening to maroon them in the game. Sol and the gang combine forces to fix the game and get the third piece of the map.

EP12 Unholy Alliance Feb 27, 2007

Tyler finds Lilly unconscious and takes her to the hut to recover where she steals the map and burns the hut down.

EP13 Tabu Feb 28, 2007

After uncovering the Orb of Osiris, Kirra is mortally wounded by Lilly. Tyler has to pull out all the stops to retrieve the orb, revive Kirra and find the way to get them out of the game.
7.2| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 12 February 2007 Ended
Producted By:
Country: Australia
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website:

Following on from the first series of Pirate Islands, The Lost Treasure of Fiji is essentially a computer game. The characters find themselves pulled into this alternate reality world, and must try to find their way back out.

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