

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Reverse Catfish Jul 27, 2023

A 20-something gay man seeks to find a new boyfriend by placing a picture on a dating app that makes him look far worse then he really does.

EP2 SuperBen Jul 27, 2023

A gay teenager with a very vivid imagination comes face-to-face with his real life fantasy superhero.

EP3 Delivered Jul 27, 2023

A man gets obsessed by his pizza delivery guy so he orders pizza every day for weeks in an attempt to reconnect with him.

EP4 Four Dates and a Humperdinck Jul 27, 2023

A teenage boy decides that his father has not been dating enough so he decides to set up his dad on a series of blind dates.

EP5 Breaking Fast Jul 27, 2023

Two sisters who have always been rivals have their relationships upended when they realize that unwittingly they have been attempting to date the same man.

EP6 Room 103 Jul 27, 2023

A support group for people being sentenced to attend an anger management class as a result of their poor public behavior meets in a rundown communal council space.

EP7 Reality Bites Jul 27, 2023

In Foster's quest for fame at all costs, he ropes in two friends to explore the trials and travails of reality TV.

EP8 Entropy Jul 27, 2023

Patterns, patterns, patterns.
7.3| 0h30m| TV-MA| en| More Info
Released: 27 July 2023 Ended
Producted By: Dekkoo Films
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website:

We all navigate in multiple social circles - friendships, family, work - and often these groups do not mix. Patterns takes this concept and creates a universe of characters and narratives who move between these circles and finds the comedy within. The series touches on a range of topical issues including, LGBTQ matters; family problems; conspiracy theories; and reality television.

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Dekkoo Films

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