Pacific Heat

Pacific Heat

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 A Dangerous Game Nov 27, 2016

When the team goes undercover at a strip club to blow up a crystal meth ring, Maddie and VJ gain the trust of a stripper who knows key info.

EP2 Countdown to Death Dec 02, 2016

A shipment of uranium goes missing from a nuclear lab and the team must work out who has it, before anyone gets the chance to build a dirty bomb.

EP3 A Family Affair Dec 02, 2016

When a team member's father is kidnapped by a radical organization, Pacific Heat heads to the Southeast Asian jungle to rescue him.

EP4 The Science of Death Dec 02, 2016

When German terrorists break into a laboratory and threaten to release anthrax, the team hatches a sketchy plan to storm the building.

EP5 The Face of Terror Dec 02, 2016

Todd and Zac go undercover as security guards in Yemen to hunt for a dangerous terrorist, but they'll need Maddie and VJ's help to get out alive.

EP6 Married to Murder Dec 02, 2016

A journalist tags along as the team attempts to track down ecoterrorists who kidnapped the wife of a mining magnate.

EP7 A Troublesome Guest Dec 02, 2016

Tasked with providing security for the visiting leader of a volatile country, the team fends off various threats against his life.

EP8 In the Wrong Hands Dec 02, 2016

The team scrambles to find an arms dealer suspected of stealing a nuclear warhead that was being stored in a civilian warehouse.

EP9 A Brush with Death Dec 02, 2016

The team is charged with safeguarding a Dutch masterpiece called "Nude with Nude" at an art show. But the painting disappears anyway.

EP10 A Deadly Deal Dec 02, 2016

When an illegal arms dealer acquires a shipment of surface-to-air missiles, the team heads to the Burmese jungle to stop them from being sold.

EP11 Extreme Turbulence Dec 02, 2016

The team faces a midair crisis while serving as security for a sultan who insists on flying coach.

EP12 A Deadly Grudge Dec 02, 2016

Shortly after suspending the Pacific Heat agents, the chief is kidnapped by a pair of brothers who have held a grudge against him for 36 years.

EP13 A Return to Evil Dec 02, 2016

A string of baffling murders leads the team to suspect a serial killer. But evidence left by a victim points them toward a familiar face.
5.8| 0h30m| TV-14| en| More Info
Released: 27 November 2016 Ended
Producted By: Working Dog
Country: Australia
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website:

They're absent-minded, mildly corrupt and barely competent. Somehow, they're Australia's most elite detective unit.

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Working Dog

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Doug Burr The comparisons are obvious. Both are adult oriented animated comedies about teams of agents. It is not as well made, written or acted as Archer. However, I still think it is funny. The jokes are crap, but, there are so many of them and delivered in Australian accents. It kind of wears you down until you laugh along with it. If you like Archer and don't go into this expecting too much, you will probably like it.
CMart I was in here months ago and saw so many negative reviews, mostly all of them jumping on the "Pacific Heat is trying to be Archer" bandwagon (talk about unoriginal, guys!). Snore.But as the pro-PH reviews explain, this show isn't trying to be Archer. At all. It's making fun of itself that it's not Archer! Plus, another important distinction is the tone of the humor: Archer is biting and sarcastic and the characters make fun of the Other, whereas the humor in Pacific Heat is innocent and silly and the characters are making mistakes or being airheads. Both shows are funny as hell, but they have different slants.And for the Archer fans who are calling Pacific Heat racist, just...what??!! Every episode of Archer (and every other comedy out there, incidentally) is oozing with offensive humor aimed at one gender or demographic or another. So, you know. Stop.Since there's only one season and I find it so delightful, I'm watching Pacific Heat now for the third time. One of the things I love about this show is that the banter is so constant and delivered so under-the-breath, as it would be in real life, that I'm STILL hearing one-liners that I missed the first two times around (the accent is heavy, too, which is another reason. I'll confess, I've used the subtitles more than once). It just makes me giggle so much.Final analysis: Pacific Heat is silly and fun and clever and weird and I am hoping against hope that there will be more.
Jimmy Very droll, funny. Humorous dialogue is very quick so you have to pay attention or you'll miss some great lines. The crew behind this are known for their subversive and silly humour ('travel' books like Phaic Tan; Bargearse; the Late Show skit comedy). Other reviewers have recommended looking past the pilot but I enjoyed it; the constant grammar battles despite pain or death were a laugh, as was the hostage video where the protagonist blinks a Morse code message 'captured, send help'
Neos_back To be honest this isn't a bad show... though nor is it any good. Its a time waster. If you have 20min and you're bored and want a chuckle then give it a shot.Unfortunately you cannot escape the archer comparison and in that respect this is a very poor attempt.If however you can overlook that, then you will be rewarded with a mildy amusing show with Australian humour that is every so slightly (and by that I mean glaringly) racist. At the end of every show I was left thinking... that was pretty damn racist... is that what they find funny in Australia? Every "bad guy" has a terribly stereotypical racist accent. Every "bad guy" is a stereotype. I am by no means an advocate of political correctness... but I'd say they take it a tad too far here.Its hard to review it, as you will forget every episode within half an hour. Its just... meh.