Really enjoyed this pilot and have been a bit surprised at the lack of news about this programs future. Also slightly annoyed that it's not available anymore
Oasis, only with just a pilot we can see that is very good, the cast is awesome and the story make you try to guess what will come, it's very interesting,the way that was build is really complex,the music of opening and how things happen should have more reviews positives because i'ts not any simple story. Is inspired in a book that I will read now. #season complete please.
Miles Byrne
Perhaps one of the most underwhelming pilots I have ever seen. Ridiculously shoddy writing meets horridly incompetent and inexperienced direction in this season premier for Amazon Video. I mean, most of the characters are incredibly stock and stereotypical, whose stockness and stereotypicalness are in fact only outdone by the paper thing plot which draws on a plethora of other, superior material. It's just very unengaging, not compelling in the least, and failed to interest on anything more than a superficial level, if even that. The acting is passable but ill fitted to the clichéd and uncreative story which isn't helped by the most clichéd and uncreative visuals. Every scene past is peppered with anti-fun tropes and a poor script makes even the scenes most essential to the plot hard to watch. With that said, the lead is not unlikable and I thought his religion could be something new and fresh, although judging by this first episodes quality I highly doubt it.
Well, this was great. I just realized this show does exist. It took me half a day to finally give it a chance. Why did I start to watch it? Yesterday, I talked with a friend of mine about TV shows, and I got to realize I haven't seen a colonization film for some time. Interstellar was a long time ago, and the possibilities were there to take. I just started to play with Telltale's Game Of Thrones. I did put the two not so similar topics, and what did I get? Robb Stark on an other planet. Damn. That's my luck. About the show itself: Looks so great. The Visuals, the settings, the actors, and of course, the STORY. I researched for a tiny little bit. I won't spoil it for you: it has it's risk. Are we ready to watch a TV show about it? Let's find out. I'll give it a chance, for sure.