Navy SEALs: America's Secret Warriors

Navy SEALs: America's Secret Warriors

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Deadly Marksmen Jun 13, 2018

A look at Navy SEAL snipers examines the exhaustive training that makes them world-class marksmen and their expertise in small-arms combat under every conceivable condition.

EP2 Enemy Territory Jun 13, 2018

Navy SEAL reconnaissance training includes extreme stealth, camouflage tactics and cooperating on their own in hostile environments. Teams remain invisible while gathering Intel on the target, then strike with lethal force when the moment is right.

EP3 Urban Combat Jun 20, 2018

A terrorist insurgency turns Iraqi cities into cauldrons of violence, but the Navy SEALs help turn the tide. Street fighting is notoriously chaotic, confusing and violent, but the SEALs expertise in small-unit tactics, physical endurance and sheer grit make them an invaluable asset to the U.S. Army and Marines. Teaming up with conventional forces, the SEALs participate in “clear-and-hold” operations against a determined, ruthless foe: Al-Qaeda in Iraq.

EP4 Kill or Capture Jun 20, 2018

The Navy SEALs pursue America’s enemies all across the globe, hunting down the worst of the worst and bringing them to justice. Working together with U.S. intelligence agencies, as well as conventional forces and coalition allies, the SEALs are unmatched in their abilities to find, to fix and to finish the enemy.

EP5 Fallen Heroes Jun 27, 2018

Extreme training and combat expertise are only part of what make the SEALs the world's most effective fighting force. What truly sets them apart is their warrior ethos: a code of honor combining courage, discipline, and unhesitating willingness to risk life and limb to accomplish the mission or aid a fallen fellow soldier.

EP6 Combat Rescue Jun 27, 2018

Whether it is one of their own, or a civilian caught in the chaos of war, combat rescue is one of the most important--and dangerous--roles at which the Navy SEALs excel.
7.6| 0h30m| TV-14| en| More Info
Released: 08 February 2017 Ended
Producted By: Peacecock Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website:

An in-depth look at the elite fighting force, including the physical, psychological and spiritual process of becoming a SEAL, the training required to become a member of SEAL Team 6 and a history of spectacular SEAL missions.

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Producted By

Peacecock Productions

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