Naked and Afraid

Naked and Afraid

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EP1 Episode 1 Mar 09, 2025

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6.6| 0h30m| TV-14| en| More Info
Released: 23 June 2013 Returning Series
Producted By: Entertainment One
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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What happens when you put two complete strangers - sans clothes - in some of the most extreme environments on Earth? Each male-female duo is left with no food, no water, no clothes, and only one survival item each as they attempt to survive on their own.

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Entertainment One

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deothor IMDb.come is such a lovely site that informs you that your content consists of "prohibited words" right after the forced "edit phase" of weird words. Also they won't highlight which words are taboo, oh no no no. That'd be too easy.Lovely.Again, this time simpler: This show is scripted as HELL. At first you might not notice, but the longer you watch the bigger the lie gets. Pairs always end up finding some tools in the wild (rope, pot, bottle, shirt, metal scraps, glass). Or if they starve for almost whole time they end up finding some random huge pile of food. Dehydration? Don't even make me started. They overuse this word way too much.Directors made it VERY obvious that they want to enforce "anyone who has a penis is the evil of this word". At the very least of 80% of males in this show act in a way that it makes whole male group cringe to no end. So.. Yeah, feminism is strong within this one.If you want to watch it, sure go ahead, but mark my words: Once you notice those patterns, any fun you had will evaporate.(They have lovely scenery, though. I'd love to try my survival skills on one of those tropical islands or beaches)
ianardchoille Do you seriously think an entire production company is going to willingly put their people in harm's way? And their insurance companies (yes, plural) are going to permit this? This is called "White Trash TV", because only white trash are stupid enough to believe this kind of thing.This is similar to the Moonshiners reality television show. Do you really think an entire production crew is going to risk breaking federal law by manufacturing bootleg whiskey on national TV?You have to remember that, when you see a TV show, it's not just the actors/actresses, there is an entire production company behind these shows.. along with insurance companies, distributors and much more.Reality television is a cancer on society and should be outlawed.
engrmansoorhabib So here we go on a journey with a Man and Woman stripped down to the basic elements that a human being had hundreds of years ago. The Environment is harsh, the set is real, emotions are tense, moral is down, hunger is taking the best of them, thirst is bringing them to the brink of death and what happens next and in between will leave you speechless. Every second is tense, you cannot predict what will happen next. Will they break or will they be able to complete the challenge. 21 days; unlike any other 21 days and Nights. So gear up, hold your breath and embark on a journey with the participants on an adventure of a life time. I am going to highly recommend it to everyone and especially the outdoors lovers. If you think you are tough and you have what it takes to survive outdoors, after watching this I guarantee you will be forced to THINK AGAIN...
CherryBlossomBoy This is one of those misfortunate crossovers that sound interesting on paper but don't really make it in reality. Survivalism meets nudity. I don't know what kind of niche group of people might get off on that, but it sure ain't fans of erotic shows or fans of survival shows.First let's get to the obvious - the nudity. Other than being a gimmick to lure a viewer or two there is no rationale for two people to start their three-week voyage in the nude. Are they emulating our ancient ancestors? That's just ridiculous, Adam and Eve were not our ancestors - they are fictional characters! Our true ancestors, the primates, didn't appear in the nature out of the blue and in the nude like that. They had fur. Then, as the evolution progressed they gradually lost more and more bodily hair and it interacted with having them utilize more and more variety of clothing. So, okay, it's a gratuitous gimmick but it might have been fun if they didn't pixelate their genitalia. I mean, come on! Watching a show with half of my screen constantly smeared isn't fun. I know my TV isn't defective. Defective are the heads of people in the audience that might object to a naked human body and of the producers who get on with an idea like this knowing they'll have to spoil the picture quality to please the stupid prudes. The only fun thing that remains is watching how awkwardly the two behave in the first minutes they meet. After that I'm switching to Hustler TV.After that first five minutes of the episode there is really nothing worth seeing in the show. Survivalist shows are a dime a dozen by now and this one is actually pretty below par. The protagonists look uncomfortable (who could blame them, right?), slow and pretty incompetent. They are also usually not in a very good physical shape - hardly an "eye candy" supposed to distract from the lack of substance. They also do that ridiculous segment of being taken on the side to do a quick interview for the camera to explain what's going on. Since the production crew, presumably, isn't supposed to interact with the pair, doing the interview is a gross breach of that rule. What happens when the pair gets dehidrated or has a sunstroke? Does the crew interview them like that or do they provide them with medical care first? And wouldn't that be another breach of non-intervention?But ultimately, who cares? It's all fake anyhow and I'm not dumb enough to watch it. The only thing that interests me is - can they get any lower? How low can the bar be set for "reality TV" and what will they come up with next? In terms of survival shows I think they should try to abduct a school bus full of children, leave them stranded in Sahara and film them trying to get out. That'd be fun.