I like this series because it has two interesting love story for the same actress to the two main actors (Brothers ).
It shows very clear cut between the real love and the love of being loved from your first crush . It shows the comparison between both types . Also , it shows how the feeling grow from heating someone to love in him to death and vice versa .
Also, it shows unrequited love for the best you could ever see .
you will see betrayed , mistakes in raising children , fake love and sacrifice .Also shows the purity of love without the classic love scenes which minimized in kissing ,sex and other things. It makes you feel to the core without necessary experiencing these classics(maybe little ) But that shows how the writer was genius in crafting the love stories .
You have to be patient because the episodes are quite long and the narrative unfold slowly .
But What I hate that the production interfered and minimized the lead actors scenes to the minimum , destroyed the beautiful story from episode 44 to the end. Then ended the whole story in episode 50 which was insane and it was doing injustice to the efforts made which made me decide to not watching any things from the production company avsar anymore
Sweet Dreams
Interesting story. Good cast. The series is a good mix of drama, comedy, romance and suspense. You will want to watch it over and over again. I recommend it to everyone.
I took to the first episode straight away. Tho them two girls mother is nuts pyschotic and she has greed on the brain will expose and bully her daughter's for her gain. I hope further in them two girls will come to there sences and get rid and disown that women and find happiness away from her. She is very manipulated and twisted women tho an exellexce actor and I hope they bring out more for me to watch from england
Greeting from Malaysia!
I am not into drama series whatsoever, left alone from other countries which I don't understand the language. But this particular one tied me upstart from the first episode and eagerly waiting for the next one! Those actors and actresses are superb! very spontaneous actions and facial expressions. I even watch few scenes, again and again, I cry and laugh together with them! The plots are very intrigued, suspense and made me want to know more. I would suggest this drama to all.