Mob Wives

Mob Wives

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Mobbed Up Mermaids Jan 13, 2016

In the Season 6 premiere, the original Staten Island crew is finally at peace after sending the ladies from Philly packing. Later, a new woman shows up and forces the group to face some difficult decisions.

EP2 Cabin in the Woods Jan 13, 2016

Drita is forced to defend herself after hearing the allegations from the Mermaid Parade. Later, Karen and Storm face difficult decisions; and Renee's friend shakes things up on a girls' weekend.

EP3 Hamptons Hangover Jan 20, 2016

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EP4 Flip-Floppers and Party Hoppers Jan 27, 2016

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EP5 The Sitdown Feb 03, 2016

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EP6 Younger Version of the Same Old BS Feb 10, 2016

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EP7 Exes and Whys Feb 17, 2016

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EP8 Cuts Both Ways Feb 24, 2016

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EP9 Drittany Mar 02, 2016

Karen attempts to end the feud between Brittany, Carla and Renee. Later, Big Ang waits to learn if her cancer has spread; and Drita hears a rumor that could destroy her relationship with Karen.

EP10 What's Done is Done Mar 09, 2016

Karen tries step out of the drama and back into her relationship with her daughter. Renee performs in her final ballroom dancing class. Drita continues to steam after hearing Karen's verbal attack and calls for a final sitdown with Karen and Marissa. Ang reveals some disturbing news about her health.

EP11 The Final Sitdown Mar 16, 2016

Never-before-seen footage will be shown to the women as they get ready for a final sitdown. Drita and Karen come together to settle old scores and Ang makes a heartfelt appearance in the midst of her intensive cancer treatment.
5.2| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 17 April 2011 Canceled
Producted By: The Weinstein Company
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website:

Mob Wives is an American reality television series on VH1 that made its debut April 17, 2011. It follows six Staten Island women after their husbands or fathers are arrested and imprisoned for crimes connected to the Mafia.

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The Weinstein Company

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btiemann this show just shows how fall our society has fallen. the women do not have any class, i have seen rabid animals behave better. they all are not even low class white trash,,,,,they are lower. and, their appearance omg...why oh why do woman like them dress so skanky,wear too much make up(they have to be using a trowel to apply it) and Big Ang looks like a very very ugly transvestite (what the hell is up with those lips)...i think Americans take all these nasty looking and acting women along with all the kardashians put them on a ship to the middle of any of the ocean,chum the waters then toss them all overboard...ding ding dinner time sharks....but the poor sharks would probably die from all the silicone, tons of make up and ugly clothes they would have eaten after chewing them up......i would rather pass 100 kidney stones,have all my teeth pulled without lidocaine and have my skin peeled from my body then to watch this piece of crap
Papacy24 The cast members of the Reality TV show "Mob Wives" allow cameras to film their daily lives which usually reek of desperation, misery, anger, immorality and hypocrisy. People who watch the show either wish for more violence or are overtly obsessed with the women. If you think the show does not present a below-the-belt standard for girls and women to follow, then its "loyal" fanbase must be saintly!The show is inherently toxic and therefore induces toxic behavior in its fanbase, albeit in the privacy of one's home. Anyone with an ounce of dignity wouldn't proclaim their "loyalty" towards any of the cast members in public or even at home. It thrives on the poor mental health of its cast and encourages improper conduct during filming, so why should a viewer offer support to any of the women? No parent should ever let their child watch Mob Wives for fear he/she would end up emulating a cast member's behavior in public or private! Mob Wives being disguised by a poorly attempted outward adherence to traditional values in Sicilian culture, makes one think the Reality TV show depicts the lives of corrupt women accurately. Indeed, it does. No one with a spiritual bone in their body would join the cast unless they are desperate for money. Can one imagine herself losing personal safety and reputation for the pleasure of the nation? Who is to say the women are actually good people when they allow themselves to easily lose their virtue? La Cosa Nostra portrayed in films, fictional books, paintings and newspapers is nowhere near its current state. People presume it is depressing to be part of mob society, but such a world doesn't exist. The reason being government in America has advanced to the stage where efforts are made to squash crime committed in cyberspace and the corporate world. Offenders who once sold drugs and trafficked humans are now breaking laws via their computers. Hence, the show only portrays the consequence of the deceased La Cosa Nostra in which half of its members are in prison for life or have been dead for decades. Therefore, the viewer's appreciation for the glorification of the "old days" of the Mob is laughable. Victimization is a normal part of the Mafia society for it ensures the silence of women who are taught to obey their elders and protect family. To put it bluntly, the cast members victimize each other without realizing they are doing exactly what has been done to them. They don't consider crime to be "sexy" or glamorous, yet their egomaniac, superficial and mentally ill personas makes one wonder otherwise.If "Mob Wives" for all its seasons of despair, violence, screaming matches and rivalry were to win a reward, it would most likely be a Razzie because the content is deplorable and...well...STINKS!
Blake Gemz A show about Italian wives, daughters, nieces, and granddaughters of men associated with the Mafia. This is a "Reality Show" about 6 women and their struggles with life. Renee Graziano (daughter of Anthony "The Little Guy" Graziano. Drita Da'Vanso (wife of Lee Da'Vanso). Karen Gavano (daughter of Sammy "The Bull" Gravano *notorious under boss gone rat). Carla Facciolo (wife of Joe Facciolo). Ramona Rizzo (granddaughter of Lefty Two Guns). Angela "Big Ang" Raiola (niece of Sally Dogs).These women are tough, rich, catty, and ready to go to war with who ever crosses them. They are the stereotypical women with Italian blood, New York accents, to much makeup, plastic surgery, and cat fights. "Mob Wives" is not a show thats gonna teach you a lesson unless that is "Don't Rat" it is strictly entertainment that many love and many hate.Honestly . . . This is my favorite show !
sly_2314 Italians have been targeted as the new money maker in television, from Jersey Shore to Cake Boss. Italians have been exploited and profited in the way of reality shows. So, it isn't surprising that a show chronically the lives of women who are affiliated with the Italian mob was showcased. One of the main issues I have with the show is the concept..Now, I'm not an expert on mobs but I do know you're not suppose to publicly associated yourself with the mob. Doing so will result you "swimming with the fishes". With that said, I'm very surprised that this show was even picked up. The show itself, is about four or five women who have family members that are involved with the mob. These women have a very tough and off putting exterior. It can be assumed that these women have some type of mental disorder and that they need to seek professional help. But instead of that, they go on national television and air their dirty laundry for all to see. The show does not have a plot, it pretty much resolves around when their husbands are being released from prison and the old family drama.I would only watch this if you're bored, not if you're looking for quality television.