Ming's Dynasty

Ming's Dynasty

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Fam Jun 21, 2019

Outlawed from doing rap in the restaurant by Ming Ho Garden owner and Riesling’s father Gordon, Whyte & Riesling hatch an ambitious plan that could cost them their lives.

EP2 Ate Mile Jun 21, 2019

The boys are rescued by Riesling’s perfect, younger brother Ben. They accompany him to a garage party out in The Sticks, and get schooled by local Indigenous rapper Rudy C in a heated cipher.

EP3 MixTape Worm Jun 21, 2019

The boys are forced to work their first dinner service solo and call on Nivea for help, but everything that can go will go wrong in this Kitchen Nightmares-inspired episode.

EP4 Hell Money Jun 21, 2019

Whyte celebrates Chinese New Year’s Eve by taking magic mushrooms and accidentally poisons Gordon, sending him on a terrible trip where he comes face to face with a demon (and himself).

EP5 Super Sweet 6ixteen Jun 21, 2019

A catering gig at a 16th birthday becomes the boys’ most important performance. Casual J - infamous Coaldale DJ - gets sidelined when Nivea performs a new anthem with the guys called “Text Me Back.”

EP6 Big Trouble In Little Chinese Restaurant Jun 21, 2019

After Gordon admits he has lost the family fortune, Riesling must abandon his hip-hop dreams to save his family and their restaurant. “Text Me Back” catches GLDSTN’s attention.
8| 0h30m| TV-14| en| More Info
Released: 21 June 2019 Returning Series
Producted By: 775 Media Corp
Country: Canada
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: https://gem.cbc.ca/media/mings-dynasty/s01

Fledgling Toronto rappers Whyte Wyne and Young Riesling return to Riesling's home in small-town Alberta to run the family business: a Chinese restaurant. Will they chase the beats or be loyal to the eats?

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775 Media Corp

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