Masters of Illusion

Masters of Illusion

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Logically Illogical, AI Mind Reader, and Phone-y Magic Jan 24, 2025

Featured magicians include Ed Alonzo, Jeki Yoo & Ellie, Eric Eaton, Eric Jones, Alexandra, Trigg Watson, Joshua Jay and Artem Shchukin.

EP2 Sizzles, Twists, and Blurred Realities Jan 31, 2025

Magicians featured in this episode include Adam Wylie, Lucy Darling, Ivan Amodei, Maxence Vire, Alex Ramon, Murray Sawchuck, Anna DeGuzman, and Joseph Reohm

EP3 The Bold and the Beauty with a Crossbow Feb 07, 2025

Magicians featured in this episode include My Uyen, Michael Blomeke, Naathan Phan, Jonathan Levit, Andi Gladwin, Chipper Lowell, and Anna Dangerous

EP4 Optics, Glass, and a Rubberband Man Feb 14, 2025

Magicians featured in this episode include Dan Sperry, Dreygon Hibbler, David Goldrake, Trino, Jackson Ridd, Mike Caveney, Adam Wyle, Nathaniel Segal, and Farrell Dillon

EP5 Blind Sight, Sensual Magic, and The Butterfly Effect Feb 21, 2025

Magicians featured in this episode include Trino, Andi Gladwin, Joel Meyers, My Uyen, Mind 2 Mind, Boris Wild, Murray Sawchuck, Jeki Yoo, and Alexandra

EP6 Magic Game Shows, Coins, and Prison Bars Feb 28, 2025

Magicians featured in this episode include Lucy Darling, Trigg Watson, Andi Gladwin, Carisa Hendrix, Dreygon, Maxence Vire, and David Goldrake.

EP7 Feet, Forks, and Felines Mar 07, 2025

Magicians featured in this episode include Anna DeGuzman, Alex Ramon, Nick Dupoch, Jonathan Levit, The Mysterious Maks, Chris Korn, Artem Shchukin, Adam Wylie and Naathan Phan and Hayden Allcorn.
4.7| 0h30m| TV-14| en| More Info
Released: 01 August 2014 Returning Series
Producted By: Associated Television International
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Amazing magic performed by cutting-edge illusionists and escape artists in front of a live audience with performers in each episode display skills ranging from perplexing interactive mind magic to hilarious comedy routines.

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Dean Cain


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Associated Television International

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trumpthefeds It seems they intentionally want the show to appear cheesy, cheap with cheap acts, every now and again there is a winner but few and far between.
Sam McBride Watching this show is like eating popcorn. Delicious popcorn. You can't get enough. You keep stuffing more and more into your mouth and still you can't get enough. It's fun. It's fast. It's magic! OK,so some people take the title too seriously and object that these aren't really "masters" of magic. Uh, that's called salesmanship, kids. Don't take it so literally. Some of the magic on this show is truly amazing. Some of it is kind of cheesy. But it's all good. Oh, and one more thing. You want beautiful girls? This show has more beautiful girls than any other show on TV! It's retro. It's future. It's now. It's cool. It's hip. It's jazzy. So watch, relax....and enjoy the magic!
biobearmarkley I have fond memories of growing up watching the original run of this show. Unfortunately, it seems that the producers of this new version seem to be suffering from extreme adhd. It took me a couple of episodes to realize that it wasn't a clip show. It has been overly edited, with really bad cameras and cutaways that often cut just slightly too late allowing the TV audience to see a flash of how the tricks work. Another problem is that the acts are almost carbon copies of the original innovation. Same tired tricks that were explained in the secrets revealed series. Most rushed with little craft. While it may contain more performers than Penn and Teller's Fool Us, it lacks the continuity and polish.
gspencley I checked out an episode because magicians Barry and Stuart were on it and I'm a huge fan. While some of the acts are decent (others seem like they're stuck in the 80s) I could not get past the constant background music that played through the entire episode. Not only was it mixed WAY too loudly, to the point of actually making it difficult to follow what the acts were saying, but it was cheesy; it killed the mood; it was distracting and was completely unnecessary in the first place. It's a shame because this show could do a lot to promote magic, especially new and fresh acts, but the execution is just terrible. They need to fire their sound editor. It's OK to kill the music during a performance, and pick music that is more appropriate and less cheesy when there's a reason to have it.