I fell upon this series by accident, and ALL I CAN SAY IS WOW, Masha and the Bear is in a league of it's own. my 25month old- I myself find myself engaged and impressed with the quality of graphics and content. I highly recommend this international caliber series to any parent that is concerned about content and quality.
Impossible not to have fun and not be moved and thrilled about Masha's antics ! Having a calm and intelligent Bear as protector, friend and partner in fun, this animation has a sensational story line, amazing adventures that take place in a bucolic and colorful environment, giving space for lots of fun and of course , lot of mess! Each episode is a surprise that we do not get tired to see, review, watch countless and tireless times. A series for all ages! It's impossible not to sing along with Masha during her own birthday song neither not to be touched when she sings " Happy birthday to me " My husband and I elected as our favorite animated series of all times.
it remembers old Russian animation and its seduction. it is one of series who preserves the childhood spirit in wise clothes. it is far from common trends and it is fresh at whole. a modern fairy tale with deep roots in tradition who reminds basic things in a seductive manner. the story, the animation, the dialogs, the admirable humor, each episode are good occasions to joy again and again. the great virtue is the status of different film. like a piece from ancestors place from memories. and that fact is a real good thing because, after so many blockbusters, a refreshing meeting with two lovely characters is almost a blessing. adventures for entire family, Russian precision and characters who seems be real unique.
As someone who grew up on classic Russian 2D animation, I was leery of watching anything CGI, no matter where it was produced! I've seen bits and pieces of stuff made by the various animation studios in so-called "3D" animation - they all stink! I don't care what outfit produced it, I hated it.Well surprise, surprise when I caught Masha and the Bear the first time I was VERY impressed with the quality of the animation and attention to detail. Once again the Russians have proved the grasp they have on the animation media. no matter what format! The series is an updated version of an old Russian folk tale. In this series a terror tot (Masha) is semi adopted by a retired circus bear and there the fun begins! Masha constantly drives the poor bear to distraction with hilarious results. It's on you tube and is easily accessible! Oh yeah, in case you have doubts, how many you tube programs have nearly 11 million hits! Watch it!