Tickle Fairy
I watched the first season because it was so highly rated, but what a disappointment. If this is what it takes to please the British they should check out some Aussie or North American shows. This show was filled with over acting, unrealistic events, and has a pointless plot. I gave this show the benefit of the doubt but what a waste of time. The actors are clearly failures in life. It reminds me of those movies that failed actors make when they band together. Awful waste of space and time, do not watch this show and never believe anyone who says that they liked this show. All good reviews posted here are from the cast and producers.
Dayle Watson
Mad Dogs is a great show, it always leaves you wanting more and that's what you want from a series, it's funny, the characters and actors are very likable and it is a little violent in places, or gory i should say.It was sad to see it end but that's always the case with a series that you enjoy, you'll always want more, without giving anything away, the ending was a little....wtf just happened, but a quick check on the boards or wiki afterwards and it all makes sense.So like I said this is very enjoyable and shouldn't be missed, 3.2 seasons, so it's not the biggest series by far but it's enough and will probably leave you wanting more.So enjoy the ride!
Ryan Kerr
I have to admit, I was impressed with the first series of Mad Dogs. I thought that the acting was top notch, especially John Simm as 'Baxter', which in part was down to the great writing associated with each character's development throughout the series. There was enough twists, turns and dark humour through the series that kept me entertained and wanting to watch the next series.However, with the second series I always felt that there was several times I would find myself sitting waiting for something interesting to happen, and when it does, it feels almost like an anti-climax. Through each fifteen minute part of an episode it always felt like something would happen that keeps you interested just before the ad breaks, and when it came back on, nothing really happened like was made out previously, and the next ten minutes would be filler until the next big shock.I'm not sure, but the second series just didn't grab my attention like the first, and I felt that Mad Dogs should have ended this time round, instead of 'To be continued'. I just feel that the story has been played out, and is not as fresh and different like the first. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it, but not to the point I would say I loved it.
Bit slow to begin with but its worth it! It mixes funny with scary! what a story and with great actors! I hope there is a season 2!!!! It was daring and hilarious and the same time! The end of the first episode really sets the scene and as it goes on you start wondering how on earth they are going to get out of this situation! The situation builds up and up and up and you are on the edge of your seat in the last episode. God knows how season 2 will start but as long as it has the same writers i don't doubt that it will be amazing! Never seen anything like it! Wish i could erase it out of my mind and watch it all over again!! :)