Lord Peter Wimsey Mysteries: The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club

Lord Peter Wimsey Mysteries: The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Mysterious Circumstances Dec 02, 1973

Wimsey is tasked by a solicitor to discover which of two aged, estranged siblings died first when both pass away on Armistice Day.

EP2 Mr. Oliver Dec 09, 1973

Fentiman believes he is being followed by the shadowy figure of Mr. Oliver, and Ann Doland seeks to settle the estate when plans are made for exhumation.

EP3 That Damned Dorland Woman Dec 16, 1973

The General's death is attributed to a lethal overdose of digitalis and as the primary beneficiary is Ann Dorland, suspicion falls on her.

EP4 Execution Day Dec 23, 1973

Wimsey finally meets Ann Doland, and through examining one of her paintings realizes that her ill-fated romance is the key to solving the poison murder of General Fentiman.
8.2| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 02 December 1973 Returning Series
Producted By: BBC
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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When General Fentiman is found dead in his chair a the posh Bellona Club, the cause seems straightforward: a heart attack brought on by old age. The Lady Dorland, the General's sister, dies on the same day. Is it a startling coincidence or something more sinister? Called in to investigate, Lord Peter becomes suspicious of the general's grandson, whose peculiar behavior and whereabouts on the night of the deaths seem incriminating. But these suspicions are overshadowed by the discovery that Miss Dorland, Lady Dorland's niece, has an abiding interest in poisons.

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