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EP1 Pilot Jul 01, 1991

Fresh from a actors' audition for "Happy Days: The Next Generation", Lookwell starts to become involved in a mystery of missing car thefts, much to the dismay of the police who believe it is their case, which it is.
8.2| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 01 July 1991 Ended
Producted By: Broadway Video
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Lookwell was a television pilot written and produced by Conan O'Brien and Robert Smigel, the latter of which becoming a primary creative voice for O'Brien's late night show. It starred Adam West. The pilot was broadcast on NBC in July 1991 but was not picked up as a series despite being a "personal favorite" of NBC chairman Brandon Tartikoff.

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pml2_2 Sure, it's not for everyone. It probably won't make an impact on anyone that never sat through hours of Banacek, Mannix, Cannon, Rockford Files, Magnum PI, or the 30 or so "Quinn-Martin" productions mentioned in the pilot.The deadpan delivery of Adam West as the likable, sad, washed-up actor is incredible. Why was he never given a chance after Batman? His portrayal of a man tempered by constant rejection, yet bravely holding on to dignity and hope that the next audition brings, is fascinating. Arthur Miller could not have done it better. Did I mention he's funny as hell, too? In today's terms, that character's name is Johnny Drama, instead of Lookwell.
Scott_Mercer A friend and former roommate and I just happened to be sitting around watching TV, not expecting anything special, when this came on. It was a pilot episode and NBC threw it on the air during the dead summer months. We were bowled over by the sense of humor, right in our ballpark. The stamp of O'Brien and Smigel, that we now are quite familiar with from over 10 years of watching them on Late Night, is all over this puppy. Adam West plays an actor who played a 1970's TV detective, who thinks he's a real detective. That's about all you need to know, but the writing and acting really sell the show. One of the funniest ideas ever. My friend and I still talk about it from time to time. (Okay, fine, we're losers who have nothing else to talk about.)It is one of the crimes of television history that NBC did not pick this up even for a 6 episode run. I've been thinking about trying to dig up a copy of this masterwork. When I try to describe it to people who haven't seen it, they just shrug and go "whatever," but I assure them that they are missing out on comedy gold. Okay, maybe I'm overhyping it, but it sure is one of my favorite undeservedly obscure TV nuggets of all time. I put it up there next to "Quark" with Richard Benjamin. At least that one had 6 episodes. Somebody dig this up and put it as a bonus on a DVD of Late Night or something, would ya?NOTE: As of late 2006, the show is readily available on several different internet video sites for viewing. Apparently the show made an appearance on the late lamented Trio cable network within the past 5 years, and some people recorded it. Catch it if you can.
ripplinbuckethead I saw this show today and was highly entertained! The writing is excellent (I wasn't surprised, knowing O'Brien and Smigel were involved) and Adam West was as great as ever. The type of storytelling here isn't exactly new, but with the writing and the ever-likable West, it really worked. Too bad the networks didn't agree.So, how about now? Would this show work now if they did it again? I'm sure Mr. West would be willing to give it another go, and if it was on NBC, well, they need all the help they can get right now and this is the kind of show that could help them get out of their 4th place rut, if only to a small degree. I know I would love to see this cult hit resurrected! Random thought: if The Max Weinberg 7 played the Lookwell theme as Conan went to his desk and he didn't know about it, I wonder if he'd recognize it?
Rusty-61 My husband saw a clip from this on the Adam West Bio andhunted it down on eBay. It was worth every cent, and actually getsfunnier every time I watch it. It's obvious, if you know andappreciate Conan OBrien's sense of humor, that he had a goodhand in the writing. Adam West is perfectly cast and for those ofyou who thought he had no sense of humor about himself...justwatch. Words can't do it justice... down to the last detail, this pilot ishilarious and if I think for too long about the fact it didn't get pickedup, I wnt to bang my head against the wall (or bette yet, bang somenetwork exec who makes these genius decisions against a wall).I defy anyone with a sense of humor to sit through this withoutgiglling uncontrollably in the first 5 minutes (at least once).10/10 stars. Hunt it down or wait till it's on Trio again...it's worth it,trust me.