Let Me Clarify

Let Me Clarify

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Why Ice Floats on Water May 11, 2016

Ever wonder why ice floats? Or, why animals don't cook their food? Gus asks really, really bad scientific questions and it's up to biology expert Sally Le Page to clear the air and the nonsense.

EP2 Do Animals Get Drunk?? Nov 12, 2016

Do bees like a good brew? What insect is a junkie? And, where does eye color come from? Biology expert Sally Le Page has the answer to the most stupid scientific questions Gus can dream up.

EP3 Dogs Look Like Their Owners? Nov 19, 2016

Are you and your terrier twins? There's a reason people say pets look like their owners. Biology pro Sally Le Page breaks down that theory. And, why the hell do we have wisdom teeth if we pull them out anyway?

EP4 Animal Relationships Nov 26, 2016

Some animals keep mates but do they ever break up? And, why do we have no more than 4 limbs? Sally Le Page clarifies the dumbest science questions Gus can think of in the fourth pilot episode of Let Me Clarify.

EP5 Real Ape Wars Dec 03, 2016

The hybrid dinosaur in Jurassic World hunted for sport. Are there real animals that don't eat what they kill? Gus Sorola asks and Sally Le Page clarifies crazy science questions in fifth pilot episode of Let Me Clarify.

EP6 The Sweaty Truth About Body Hair Dec 10, 2016

Why isn't body hair as long as the stuff on your head? Gus Sorola asks and Sally Le Page clarifies crazy science questions in the final pilot episode of Let Me Clarify.

EP7 The New Species of Bloodsuckers Living in Subways Jan 14, 2017

Has a new species of mosquito made London's Underground its new home? And do plants grow faster with music? Gus Sorola asks and evolutionary biologist Sally Le Page clarifies crazy science questions in this special pilot episode of Let Me Clarify.
5.5| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 11 May 2016 Ended
Producted By: Rooster Teeth Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: https://roosterteeth.com/series/let-me-clarify

Explore the world of science with Gus Sorola and evolutionary biologist Sally Le Page as they make it their mission to set the record straight on ridiculous theories.

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Producted By

Rooster Teeth Productions

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