Landscape and Memory

Landscape and Memory

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Forests Apr 22, 1995

Historian Simon Schama begins by looking at forests - places of myth and memory, fear and worship.

EP2 Rivers Apr 29, 1995

Simon Schama examines how rivers were a source of inspiration to 19th century poets, painters and composers.

EP3 Mountains May 06, 1995

Mountains have traditionally been regarded as sacred places. Simon Schama looks at the different ways in which they have been conquered.

EP4 Seas May 13, 1995

Historian Simon Schama takes a look at the way in which the sea has fired the imagination of writers, painters and explorers.

EP5 Arcadia May 20, 1995

Last in the series examining the relationship between culture and the natural environment. Historian Simon Schama looks at paintings by Poussin and the writings of Horace, Virgil, Rousseau and Thoreau as he investigates different interpretations of the theme of Arcadia.
5.5| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 22 April 1995 Returning Series
Producted By: BBC
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Historian Simon Schama explores the relationship between culture and the natural environment. He begins by looking at forests - places of myth and memory, fear and worship.

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