Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List


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7.4| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 03 August 2005 Ended
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Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
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Official Website: http://www.bravotv.com/Kathy_Griffin

Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List is an American reality television series on Bravo. The series debuted on August 3, 2005. The series follows the struggle of self-proclaimed "D-list" celebrity Kathy Griffin to climb the Hollywood ladder. This often includes scheming for publicity with staffers Jessica, Tiffany, and Tom. Her relationships with her parents and her now ex-husband have also been heavily featured.

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dtkoziol This show is amazing and is a shining example of how a reality show should be done. I have always loved Kathy's sense of humor and wit, but what I love most about the show is actually the editing. All of the person-to-camera dialog is done on the spot, and not in on some studio set months after the incident took place. What you get are the honest reactions the people on the show have at the time something happens. Also, they show Kathy without makeup! It might seem strange to point out, but to me a reality TV show needs to be... well, reality. We all know women don't wear make up and hair extensions and 5,000 dollar Gucci outfits every day (yes, I'm talking to you, Kardashians), so it is refreshing to see they show Kathy at home, in her sweats, eating deep friend food and being a human! When you watch this show, you really get a sense that the cameras are there to document, and not direct, Kathy's actions. And as far as her actions go... well, you have to just watch the show because they are hilarious.
fearfulofspiders Kathy can be funny, but she can also be downright obnoxious. Her stand-up comedy is okay, but none of it is laugh-out-loud to me. My mother and grandmother adore her (and her mother), and seeing how I am a straight-male, I guess some of her jokes may come off as passable.Her show provides some interesting details as a celebrity living in Hollywood -- even if she is D-List. That being said, I must point out the reason I'm not the world's biggest fan and that is because Kathy and her posse are very two-faced. They talk behind everyone's backs in such a prissy school girl manner, and some of the things they say are pretty spiteful.The organizations Kathy goes to are ridiculous -- and a waste of money, at times. Her brazen attitude can get out of hand, as running around with your pants down is only funny if it's in public.All in all, this is a show I recommend watching only if you're homosexual (no offense), a Kathy Griffin fanatic, or are into raunchy comedy -- even if it tends to fall flat.
Barry Over the past year i have fallen in love with Kathy Griffin, she is probably the funniest female comedian in the world and i love her. The show basically follows Kathy and her 'D' list life, from performing shows to going to hot 'A' list awards ceremonies. Griffin at the Grammy's really made me laugh asking people 'So, besides Beyonce who else do you think has Heppatitis!' LOL that is hilarious. I love E! in the UK for showing this fantastic reality show - it definitely beats any other reality show out there because Griffin is so funny. Her narration is funny and i find the fact that she has an 'A' list home too. I love this TV show...
juliescottday Kathy is hysterical, 'no holes barred', right on the money funny, attractive, and intelligent to boot. Matt you had a good thing, I'm sure you know that. Onwards...If I had the chance, I'd love to do somersaults across the stage during one of Kathy's performances. She makes me laugh that hard. She makes me really roll. You go girl, it's your birthday, got your own show...Thanks for the laughs, and the should we say 'contro-versy'? Thanks for making the troops laugh, and thank you for saying like you see it (or want to see it for comedic purposes). I wish I could have seen her at the Warfield recently in San Francisco. Sure, in this case the D-List becomes the A.Julie Scott Day