Each episode revolves around a similar format and is divided into two portions: the present day with Piggley telling stories to his grandkids (the twins Sean and Seamus and their older sister Peg), and the 1950s Ireland of Piggley's childhood where he spends time with his own parents and sister Molly and friends Ferny the bull and Dannon the duck. In the present, Sean, Seamus, Peg, Sean and Seamus, or all three, have some kind of problem and Piggley recalls a time were he was in a similar situation. For example, there's an episode where Sean and Seamus have to read Tom Sawyer for school (even though they seem to be in like 1st grade) and Piggley tells them about how he had to read a book version of an old folktale called Finn McCool. In another episode, Sean and Seamus want to go to a very scary haunted house rather than go to their school's Halloween party and Piggley tells about how he stayed up to listen to a creepy radio show. The landscapes are lovely and all the characters are quite amusing. Piggly of course but also Ferny, Dannon, Molly, Millie, Wiley, Hector, Mr Hornsby, Miss Nanny, Don Toro, Peg, although Sean and Seamus do get a little annoying. A great show not just for kids but for anyone. I wish there would be some new episodes.
I have to agree with everyone's review but have to give it another fantastic rap. I am not Irish nor do I have any family connections to Ireland but ever since I was a child, I am now 38, I have wanted to go to Ireland. I went there in 1990 for a brief time and I fell in love with everything about the country. This cartoon transports me back to Ireland every time I watch it. The characters are delightful, they have fun without being mean or stupid yet they are often silly, they take you back to being a child when you took pleasure in the simple beauty of life and friends and family were the most important things in your life. The accents, the characters, the story lines, everything about this show is brilliant. I love living in Australia but honestly dream of living in Ireland raising my children on a farm with my boyfriend. My boyfriend bought me a Jakers' DVD with 4 episodes on it and it would be one of the best gifts he has ever given me.
I discovered this show because we adopted a little boy (now 2 1/2) and of course, I started watching children's TV. This is by far the best children's show I have seen (possibly because it is not just a children's show), and I often watch it whether my son is watching it or not. The landscapes are beautiful, and the characters are amazing. I like them all. Piggly, of course, but also Ferny, Molly, Dannan, Hector, Mr. Hornsby, and Don Toro, the blacksmith. It brings me back to a simpler time, when kids (like when I was growing up) didn't have so many toys, and we had to use our imagination much more for our everyday adventures. I haven't seen many new episodes, and wonder how much time it takes to do a new show.
I love this show. I watch it every morning when I get up. The characters are so damn cute and the animation is awesome. I love the Irish accents. I'm 19 years old and this show is one of my favorites. It kicks my ass. Whoever made this show is a genius. I seriously can't decide which character is the cutest. Maybe Molly. And I just figured out today that Mel Brooks does the voice of Wiley the sheep. This is theeeeeeee most awesome show Evarrrrr. Why do I have to make ten lines of text when all you have to do is go watch PBS and see how awesome it is for yourself. Do it. I seriously wish there were cute shows like this on when I was young. I do have to mention that Sean and Seemus get on my nerves though. Woo