This film is legendary, an absolute masterpiece. Mia Sara is very good, the music is beautiful (especially the love theme and the one during the scene near the end when the Harp restores everything). It's got very interesting characters, excellent and enthralling story, great character development, very creative and artistic. Nice message of peace and love, to never judge a book by it's cover. Awesome movie, it's one of my favorite film of all time..
I saw Jack and the Beanstalk:The Real Story on the SyFy Channel, and I wasn't expecting much. But it was actually very entertaining, while a tad too long and Jon Voight did have an accent and mannerisms that did fall flat sometimes, it did have a lot of good points. The characters are engaging, with only Siggy being written clumsily more in how he was developed rather than the lines. The production values are colourful and enchanting in their look, there is some quirky writing and the story is as magical as can be. The pace is very brisk mostly with only the last thirty minutes or so feeling as though it was meandering, and the acting is mostly above decent with Jack being a likable hero and Vanessa Redgrave coming off best. Overall, fun and entertaining. 8/10 Bethany Cox
starlet86 from edison NJ hit it on the nose...some not so consistent story telling...good movie but if you have the DVD - and watch over again - you will see the incosistencies...i'm not much for sappy endings...but even that was inconsistent...if they went back to giant land - she said they had 7 days which equaled 7 years in earth time - then he said there could be several new robinson's when they get back to earth - how could that be? they still spent only 7 days on giant land? don't understand that...i also saw parallels to the movie Hook - which was much better told than this one...peter grows up and all...but in all - i am still a sucker for these types of twists on fairy tales...7 is good enough...
One of the best movies I have ever seen. Mia Sara's performance was absolutly specatular! I wish I could of been part of it's making. With its graphics it has simply excelled. Congrationlations to the Hansons for picking the best cast and orchestrationg a perfect movie.