Inside the Actors Studio

Inside the Actors Studio

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Jessica Chastain Dec 21, 2016

James Lipton interviews Jessica Chastain, who traces her rise to Hollywood stardom from humble beginnings. She also discusses her theater training at Julliard and her career-altering films, such as "Salomé," "A Most Violent Year" and "Zero Dark Thirty."

EP2 Viola Davis Jan 05, 2017

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EP3 Cuba Gooding Jr. Feb 02, 2017

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EP4 The Cast of Girls Feb 09, 2017

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EP5 Scarlett Johansson Jun 22, 2017

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EP6 Kristen Wiig Dec 21, 2017

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EP7 Ted Danson Jan 11, 2018

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8.6| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 14 August 1994 Ended
Producted By: Ovation Entertainment
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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James Lipton sits down with some of the world's most accomplished actors and directors for penetrating, fascinating interviews.

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Ovation Entertainment

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collegedude3 I have watched a few of these over the years only because of they had a guest on that I was interested in seeing.It is understandable why they would have amazing actors on like Robert Deniro, Robert Redford, Denzel Washington, MTM, or Kevin Costner. But then the next day you have on like moron actors ...some of whom I don't even consider actors. I don't like to mention names but you know the types of guests I mean. So any respect I had for the show I lost after the lame guests they started having on.I find it very hard getting over Mr. Liptons superior, snotty, and pretentious attitude he has towards the guests he is interviewing. He is a real snob and is pretty obvious to anyone. But unless it is someone you are absolutely wanting to see, I say skip the show unless you can get back the show's pretentious attitude.
moeu628 I discovered this show only months ago, and was so mad that it had been on so long without my knowledge. I am not interested in becoming an actor or director, but I am a movie lover to the core and am always interested in what actors have to say. These interviews are wonderful because they are not the average "hollywood" interview. It's not about who the actor is sleeping with, and how hard they've been partying. The interview explores the reasons behind the career choices, and experiences of filming. It is much more real, and deep, and interesting then any others. You really feel like you are part of the audience, and you get to see a different side to some very incredible actors and learn something new. I love it!
lovejam I can sit in my living room yet feel like an audience member learning from this show. Here, the interviewed actor/director/writer feels liberated enough to reveal a relaxed side of themselves: There's always a golden nugget of info the actor shares with us. Actors should watch this with a pad and pen ready for note-taking. I don't know about the general public, but most aspiring/struggling/starving/working/professional actors who watch this show will toss away the idea of attending seminars to absorb the info being spilled here. Why read a book on acting when you can hear Julianne Moore talk about how she approaches a roll? Most viewers have their favorite interview: The best actors are the most educational ones while the rest are entertaining. I like James Lipton's approach to the actors. How else can he get the actors to relax and spill their guts? If I want hard-hitting journalism, I'll watch 20/20 for that. All I want is more info on what could make me a stronger performer, not this person's sexual preference or how many times they've checked into rehab: I'm not interested in the gossip and I'm thankful this show isn't about that.
Lttlecritter I would like to say that I very much so enjoy this show.This show sheds light that even the most glamrous actors are people just like you and I but the difference between them and "us" is that they all (as actors) have the guts and courage to become totally different people in front of the camera,not to mention the talent. All actors on this show are artists that perform and entertain us as movie-goers in such various ways .They all have such unique talents and are gracious enough as people to share their stories with us.The actors of today bring their characters alive just as brilliantly and seamlessly as the great legendary actors.