Scott Taylor/Garland, etc. worms over to RJ City while dissecting growing up in Maine, contacting Stamford, Conneticiut, not actually being trained, wrestling in his mom’s garage, watching 1987’s Secrets Of Pro Wrestling VHS, befriending the ring crew, performing for the cast of Cats, being an enhancement talent, getting squashed by the Berserker, Skinner, Owen Hart, Steve Austin, Rick Martel, Triple H, Xanta Claus, Bam Bam Bigelow and Yokozuna, teaming with Brian Christopher, Too Much turning into Too Cool, cultural appropriation, how to do the WORM, being over, Migos, weed strains, not dancing recreationally, wearing visors, long term hair damage, wrestling with his son, Keegan, wrestling during the Attitude Era, and having no advice to give.