Hans Christian Andersen: My Life as a Fairytale

Hans Christian Andersen: My Life as a Fairytale

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EP1 Episode 1 Sep 08, 2002

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EP2 Episode 2 Sep 08, 2002

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6.9| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 08 September 2002 Ended
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Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: http://www.hallmarkchannel.com/tv/shows/hcandersen.asp

The only child in a wretchedly poor family in the Danish village of Odense, Hans Christian Andersen lives in a fantasy world. His hand carved dolls and puppets, his father's bedtime stories, and his own natural flair for fantastic tales brings the child temporary escape. It takes him all the way to Copenhagen where, he's been told, dreams can really come true.

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qultlifter This film is absolutely fabulous fiction. Without disclosing much of the actual events, it focuses on Hans Christian Andersen's relations to women after he has left his childhood home. It is described at two levels. A straightforward reality outlines the dilemma quite sober and exact: should you go for what you need, or should you be led by your deepest desire. As intervals fantasies consisting of reproductions of some of the main character's world-famous fairy tales offer the viewer an intense and intuitive understanding that might be hard to obtain otherwise. This is fantasy at its best. I can only compare it with reading Michael Ende's book: The Never-ending Story, and of course Pink Floyd's music-movie of genius 'The Wall'. It is a success mixing reality and fantasy into a higher entity.
Enrique Sanchez What a pleasant surprise to see this splendorous fantasy-biography of the life of Hans Christian Andersen. First and foremost kudos must go to Kieren Bew for a, dare I say, enchanting portrayal full of energy, delightful invention and childlike pathos and innocence. I hope we see him many more times again.The direction, writing, art direction and cinematography joined to form a magical setting for Andersen's stories.This is a clever melding of stories and true biography. I was surprised that the words to a song I've loved for so long, "I Love You!" (Ich Liebe Dich) by Edvard Grieg was penned by Andersen! So many times we see biographies which stretch the truth to adorn the storytelling. But here, it is all true and it works quite well.This is a story that I will return to again and again. And I will surely never tire of it.
Billy Sargent (Guerauxguex) This programme weaves a story within a story, the faireytales are brought to life as Hans is brought to his destiny, his own faireytale life. From his impetuous leap into the world to his triumphant crowning glory, pyrrhic & wrought with a too late realization. Hans' stories are used to illustrate his own life, chapters within his ascension. I cast a vote of nine for two reasons. 1) I reserve the highest possible rating for that which leaves me unconcious with delight. 2) There were just a few poorly edited scenes, where an obvious commercial break was intended but the story of the moment got treated a bit like a frisbee run over with a lawnmower. I suppose you could call this a docu-something. Drama? There are dramatic moments. Comedy? There are comedic moments, most often well played by Kieran Bew. He brings Hans to life with madcap delight & innocence & fearlessness born of the ignorance of cruelty. There is a lovely love story here as well. I fell in love with Emily Hamilton's portrayal of Jette. Her obvious love for Hans, her selflessness, her tenderness & strength in adversity are moving. I could go on, & everyone here deserves their moment of illumination, but there are so many & so little room. I would like to note especially Simon Callow as Charles Dickens, and the humour, sweetness, gentleness & poignancy the writer, director & crews wove into the story. God bless you, every one.
Moondust_Hermione Oooooooh, I loved this movie. Quite true to Andersen's life. Kieran Brew (Hans) captured his innocent, sensitive personality just perfectly. Emily Hamilton as Jette was also fantastic. Good integration of his tales into the plot, that was a good addition. I loooooved this movie!