Growing Pains

Growing Pains

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Back to School Sep 18, 1991

Mike teaches at an urban high school.

EP2 Stop, Luke, and Listen Sep 25, 1991

Mike gets involved when he learns his prize pupil Luke is homeless.

EP3 In vino veritas Sep 28, 1991

Mike persuades Jason and Maggie to let Luke stay with them temporarily; then Jason's wine cellar goes missing.

EP4 Paper Tigers Oct 05, 1991

Jason and Maggie compete to write a newspaper column; Ben hates his glasses.

EP5 The Young and the Homeless Oct 12, 1991

Mike gears up for his big day as a TV soap opera star just as Luke gears up to move out of the Seavers'.

EP6 Jason Sings the Blues Oct 19, 1991

Luke is afraid to visit the doctor, so Jason accompanies him -- but it's Jason who turns out to need surgery.

EP7 The Kid's Still Got It Oct 26, 1991

Carol accompanies Maggie to a resort, which turns out to be hosting a singles convention; meanwhile, the all-male weekend planned at home is ruined when Chrissy is set home with head lice.

EP8 There Must Be a Pony Nov 02, 1991

Nouveau riche neighbors move in next door; Ben is forced to look after Luke on his first day of high school; Jason's scheme to let Chrissie stay up late backfires when the neighbors throw a lavish party.

EP9 The Big Fix Nov 09, 1991

Consumer advocate Maggie raps a vacuum cleaner that Ben broke without telling her.

EP10 Home Malone Nov 14, 1991

The ghost of Maggie's father oversees the Seavers' visit to her childhood home.

EP11 Bad Day Cafe Nov 23, 1991

While Jason and Maggie are away, the principal informs Mike that Luke's birth father is back in town -- and wants him back.

EP12 B=MC2 Nov 30, 1991

Ben crams for a college entrance exam, but gets no help from Jason.

EP13 It's Not Easy Being Green Dec 21, 1991

Christmas brings anger and angst to the Seavers.

EP14 The Call of the Wild Jan 04, 1992

Penniless Mike schemes to give Kate a skiing trip.

EP15 Honest Abe Jan 17, 1992

Luke's homeless friend steals a Seaver momento.

EP16 Vicious Cycle Feb 01, 1992

Maggie and Jason put Mike on the spot for Luke's curfew problems.

EP17 Ménage à Luke Feb 08, 1992

A love triangle involves Ben, Luke and a classmate.

EP18 The Five Fingers of Ben Feb 22, 1992

Tired of being bullies, Ben takes karate lessons.

EP19 Don't Go Changin' Feb 29, 1992

Mike thinks his friend is a bad influence on Luke.

EP20 The Truck Stops Here Mar 21, 1992

Luke's father George visits the Seavers hoping that Luke has mellowed a little and would like to spend some time with him but Luke doesn't. He was about to leave when he collapses outside the door. He says that can't move, so they take him in. Jason and Ben offer to deliver his load, and they experience all sorts of chaos on the way. Mike thinks that George is faking his injury so that he could stay and Luke would have to talk to him. But the doctor tells Maggie who tells Mike that unless George stops driving trucks, he could become paralyzed. Mike talks to George and tells him to tell Luke but doesn't want Luke to pity him and doesn't anything else to do but be a trucker. Mike suggests that maybe he could open a truck stop. Luke finds George struggling to get up and they finally talk. The next day after Jason and Ben return, George tells them that he is giving up trucking and will open a truck stop and Luke's going with him. Luke says goodbye to the Seavers.

EP21 Maggie's Brilliant Career Apr 04, 1992

Maggie wants to fulfill a dream by climbing a mountain.

EP22 The Wrath of Con Ed Apr 11, 1992

A power failure causes dissensions in the Seaver household.

EP23 The Last Picture Show Apr 25, 1992

Maggie is offered a plum job in Washington, D.C. The Seavers move to Washington, D.C., but share a final meal and memories in the empty house.
6.6| 0h30m| TV-G| en| More Info
Released: 24 September 1985 Ended
Producted By: Warner Bros. Television
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Fatherhood has taken on a whole new meaning for Jason Seaver, who has assumed the chores of cooking, cleaning and minding the kids so that his wife, Maggie, can pursue a career in journalism after spending 15 years as a housewife.

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powermandan Growing Pains is a family sitcom that deals with traditional matters that need dealing. Drinking, smoking, curfews, and others. Some episodes are sadder that deal with death in the family and suicide. The episode about teen suicide is one that there should have been more of if Growing Pains wanted to set itself apart from other shows around this time. The suicide episode was like something Diff'rent Strokes would do. That is what set it apart from others, they took risks. But there are many meaningful episodes that can come to help and really make you laugh. I know that this doesn't have very high ratings on many sites and sources, but I have a personal connection with this. I feel this is my own.Growing Pains is about the Seaver clan: Maggie (Kerns) pursues her career in journalism again while husband Jason (Thicke) does his psychiatry work at home. They have three children: girl- chasing slacker, Mike (Cameron); clever, bookworm Carol (Gold); and nutty, rambunctious Ben (Miller). By season four, Chrissy Seaver was introduced and aged very fast when Ashley Johnson was cast in the role. The character of Chrissy is one of the most recognized TV characters that age faster. Around that time, Maggie and Jason's work locations switched again with Maggie working from home and Jason having an office. One thing I like about Growing Pains is the chemistry and evolvement of the characters. The one that evolves the most is Mike. In the early seasons, he is girl-crazy, immature, and trouble making with no ambition. he eventually decides he wants to be an actor, and the episodes where he puts his plan into action show how had it is to find work as any artist. He later works as a teacher, where he takes in homeless Luke Brower (DiCaprio). Mike becoming a teacher was very unrealistic because a university degree is needed and Mike just went to community college for drama. He becomes a sophisticated and responsible young man. He totally changes from the slacker in the first few seasons. Luckily, his transition was very smooth and precise, making it realistic and admirable. This was also when he fell in love with his character's girlfriend (Noble) in real life and wound up marrying. Mike becomes Luke's guardian and father figure. The introduction of Luke alone was a good addition to the show. Tracey Gold was having health problems and her character was seen less in the last season as she attends university, and they needed a good replacement. Who better than a young Leo DiCaprio? This was before the days of Gilbert Grape and Titanic, but DiCaprio still shines in a very memorable role. Any old fan of Growing Pains knew that Leo was destined for greatness. With most seasons in the 80s and a couple in the 90s, Growing Pains is a wonderful cruise down memory lane.
insomniac_rod Thank you Nick At Nite for re-running popular sitcoms. Particularly, family sit-coms."Growing Pains" truly displays the life of a family; in this case, an all American family.To be honest, the teenagers' situations are very realistic and have the occasional and important dramatic situations.Kirk Cameron stole the show with his on-screen charm and good looks. The boy was talented really.Alan Thicke was also good in his role as the care loving father. Joanna Kerns and Jeremy Miller were not that important characters in my opinion but were very good. Tracey Gold also delivered a good performance but always gave me the impression that she was a sad girl.Anyways, this is a t.v. series that is part of my childhood and will stay with many generations.Cheesy and kitschy by today's standards but worths a watch if you have the humor to watch family sit-coms and some dramatic situations.
fantaghirochine In one volume, Jason suffered by midlife crisis, so Maggie organized a party for him. She invited his old partner of university band. They had a very good time. Jason and Mike played Old Time Rock&Roll together. Do u all remember that vol? My question is: At the end of this vol, Jason played the guitar and sang a song. I want to know the name of this beautiful song baaaaaaaaaaaaaadly... Forgive my pool English. I try to express myself clearly...If you know the answer, would you please to tell me via E-mail, please? [email protected] you very very much. Love you.
frightnight1985 I thought growing pains was a totally great show. I am glad the network brought it back. IT teaches us that we can have fun without drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes. Compared to shows today, this has truly stood the test of time. it had originality. I liked the clothing they wore in the 80s. Today taste in clothing has waned. Carol seaver makes a perfect role model for girls and even for guys too. I truly enjoy this show. if you want good fashion tips, watch this show. Unlike today's ugly fads (the bellbottoms, sideburns, and flare pants), growing pains had straight leg pants and no baggy pants which are worn today.