Glory Daze

Glory Daze

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Pilot Nov 16, 2010

It's the 1980s, and four freshman have just arrived on campus, ready to take on college life. Boy-next-door Joel, wannabe ladies man Eli, button-downed conservative Jason and handsome jock Brian soon find themselves drawn to the Omega Sig house, where their guide Mike Reno is ready to show them what fraternity life is all about.

EP2 Fake Me Home Tonight Nov 23, 2010

The pledges are sent on a quest to wrangle a very specific birthday present for Stankowsky. But their adventure is going to be about far more than just finding the gift. Meanwhile, Reno tries to get closer to Professor Larsen and Joel tries to smooth the awkward chemistry he has with Christie, as well as with Professor Haines.

EP3 Hungry Like Teen Wolf Nov 30, 2010

As the pledges prepare for their first social event with the girls from Kappa Theta, Joel goes to Father Sullivan for advice on how to get his life back on track after his chaotic first three weeks at college. Eli gets in touch with his animal side. And the fraternity may have to endure an extremely strict faculty advisor, unless they can convince Professor Haines to take the job.

EP4 Papa Don't Pre-Game Dec 07, 2010

Dad’s Day weekend has arrived, and the boys are nervous about what their dads will think of their college activities, especially when they all take part in an annual tailgating party.

EP5 Why Shant This Be Love Dec 14, 2010

While the boys prepare for the upcoming intramural flag football tournament, the Omega Sigs are brought to the brink of war against the Zeta Rhos over a series of pranks. Joel finds it increasingly difficult to juggle his many commitments, especially as he starts working for the campus’ landscaping service.

EP6 I Ram So Far Away Dec 21, 2010

The Omega Sigs have to whip the house into shape quickly when they learn an advisor from the national chapter is coming for a visit. Meanwhile, the guys try to get tickets to see the popular group General Public.

EP7 What's Love Got to Nude with It Dec 28, 2010

Joel tries to shake his infatuation with Christie, but he winds up on a date from hell. Meanwhile Brian tries to spend time with Annabel outside the bedroom, Jason asks Julie to the Omega Sig Fall Formal and Eli gets infatuated with the military after seeing Top Gun.

EP8 Shamrock You Like a Hurricane Jan 04, 2011

The boys set out to redeem themselves as heroes after an incident with a rival school leaves them embarrassed and the object of ridicule.

EP9 Hit Me with Your Test Shot Jan 11, 2011

Jason and Turbo bond over music, while Reno and Hector try to help Professor Haines.

EP10 Some Like It Hot Tub Jan 18, 2011

Joel and Christie wonder what their friendship with each other actually means. Professor Haines and Brother Jerrod form an unlikely partnership. And the Omega Sigs throw a Mid-Semester Blowout.
7.7| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 16 November 2010 Ended
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Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Glory Daze is an American comedy-drama television series. The one-hour series revolves around a group of college freshmen who pledge a fraternity in 1986.

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mlongmire I have read several reviews on this show and quite frankly none of them are very good. Most give this show a fairly poor rating which, in my opinion, it doesn't deserve. The show is full of clichés, stereotypes and unoriginality but it works. It is the sort of programme which rarely gets you in a fit of hysterics but keeps you smiling the whole way through. The storyline is fun and although follows the same sort of road as most teen shows, boy meets girl but cant have her, there are some interesting turns and it is in no way as predictable as claimed by most. The acting is good and the characters are likable and, well for most, quite easy to empathise with, my personal favourite being the only Jew on Campus, Eli. The show may be same old but it is the kind of show you are happy to watch. It is the definition of easy watching TV with enough story line to keep you enticed, after watching the first episode I finished the season in less than 2 days. If anyone reads this review I hope you give the show a shot and I pray that the producers change their minds and renew the show, I want to see what happens with Joel and Christie. Thanks for reading
simon-petheram This isn't just a good show, its an amazing show. there was only ten episodes but at the moment i think its the best thing on tele, i would say its a American pie 25 years ago...but...saying that wont come near to how good it actually is. Being of that age seeing what they do in order to be accepted, i get that and can relate, i think the script and dialogue is amazing, the comedy is fantastic, but the moments when there is seriousness is just well done and of course along with i have to say a brilliant soundtrack. its sad that there is only one season, but at least it can finish on a high, i hear in America not that many people watched it... they missed out cus i would say its pretty popular over here in the UK. i don't know what else to write now hmmm Simon
jacobjhammer This show, in my opinion, is really quite good. Clearly if you don't take the show for what it is - a sometimes cheesy light comedy - you wont enjoy it. The plot is pretty standard. The main characters are pledges to a frat and we follow their adventures, but it's in the 80's. Pretty cool premise if you ask me. Stankowski is hilarious. His stoner character is way over done, but really really funny. The Mexican midget Hector is also totally hilarious, hopefully he sticks around. I hope this show makes it. When the other reviewer compared it to Greek but blows I totally disagree. This show is more for people who are less into the Greek system as portrayed by ABC FAMILY, and more into more racy humour (not that it's really that racy)
pai-rai I really thought a lot about how many stars I should give Glory Daze. The title is certainly clever, and when you read the plot of the series, it kind of reminds you of early seasons of the abc family show "Greek", which is outstanding. In comparison: This one blows! Most of the castmembers' performances are not credible, actions are poorly executed without any credible emotions. Of course there are some common stereotypes that are butchered by bad writing. I will overlook the time-slot and the station that broadcasts it, for I'm not watching live. The creators chose for this dramedy sitcom with multi-camera setup a diverse ensemble cast. You can do that, if the actors can actually act, and more importantly, act together. But I'm astonished of the crude amateur performances. Cinematographicly speaking, there's nothing special. It's pretty solid what you see. I would really love to praise this show, but as I wrote in the title, the idea of a couple college freshman rushing a fraternity is soo poorly realized. I am totally for a diverse cast, but in the mid-80s it was very rare or even non-existent that you find a group/clique with a Jewish guy, an Asian, a next-door whiteboy, a jock, a fanatic Christian, geek and whatnot altogether. It's just NOT believable. Sloppy, lukewarm written crap called dialogs fill the voids of music. Not vice versa. And the 80s?? Where are the 80s in this show. The pilot itself felt so forced that I only watched more to write this review to spare the readers the ocular pain that is caused by this show! They played like twenty 80s songs and mostly when it didn't fit! The wardrobe is bad, not 80s bad, just "we make a 80s show but don't really know how to cloth them, so we just give them some contemporary plaid shirts, blue jeans and some Nike sneakers." When you watch an 80s show or movie like Back To The Future, and then take a look at Glory Daze: You're gonna laugh/cry. It's ... bad. Unfortunately. They couldn't even imitate the presence of the 1980s! I'm still not sure if 3*** are too much, much I'm willing to overlook the fact that I personally hated it. Only thing good about it is that they didn't use laugh tracks, but that would have been a first time for a non-studio sitcom. It wouldn't have surprised me though. No recommendation from me, but if you think this review is too harsh and the viewers voted it with 6.something stars, do yourself a favor and watch it. Suit yourself, I warned you. Greetings, A.P.