

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Firepower Nov 17, 2007

The third-season opener includes a device that disarms terrorist bombs, a squad weapon for ambush protection, a surface-to-air missile and the Army's latest sniper rifle.

EP2 Non-lethal Special Nov 29, 2007

Examining the Taser and its applications for military use. Also: a vehicle-stopping device that uses a high-tech net to trap suicide bombers.

EP3 Close Protection Dec 06, 2007

First up is the top-secret scanning device that will stop terrorist attempts to smuggle liquid bombs and guns on to passenger jets. Next, Mack takes command of the newest rapid-fire naval gun as he tries to take out waterborne suicide bombers. Back on land, he wields the very latest security detail carbine when he goes head to head with the Roswell SWAT Team during an exercise to protect a VIP from assassins. Then he gets to test the newest remote-controlled weapons station for armored personnel carriers. Featured Weapons: - OPTOSECURITY LIQUID THREAT TECHNOLOGY - BAE SYSTEMS 57mm Mk110 NAVAL GUN - LWRC M6 A2 PSD - WAVE REMOTE-CONTROLLED WEAPONS STATION

EP4 Israel Special Dec 13, 2007

FutureWeapons travels to the Middle East to uncover the cutting-edge weapons under design for the Israeli Defense Forces. Mack demonstrates an amazing weapon that will blow open the door of a terrorist hideout and if you want to take out the whole building, Mack has another trick in his arsenal. Next, he goes on an action-packed mission with a crack Israeli team carrying an array of the very latest weapons and surveillance technology to rescue hostages. Featured Weapons: - ELBIT SYSTEMS VIPER PORTABLE COMBAT ROBOT - HYDRO-NOA MENNY D4 DOOR BUSTER - HYDRO-NOA SHARON BREACHING KIT - CORNER SHOT 7.62 mm ASSAULT PISTOL RIFLE - IWI MICRO TAVOR ASSAULT RIFLE - RAFAEL SIMON 150 RIFLE-LAUNCHED GRENADE - RAFAEL MATADOR SHOULDER-LAUNCHED MISSILE SYSTEM

EP5 Guns Dec 20, 2007

FutureWeapons goes big on guns starting with the rapid-fire cannon that’s fast becoming a huge hit with the U.S. armed forces. Next up, Mack takes a helicopter ride where he unleashes a firestorm with the lightweight Dillon Aero Gatling gun. On an Arizona firing range, he tests a new multi-caliber combat weapon that's lighter and tougher than any other weapon in its class. In the finale, Mack checks out a new breed of personal defense weapons that have the stopping power -- and amazingly, the accuracy -- of much bigger weapons. Featured Weapons: - ATK MK44 BUSHMASTER AUTOMATIC CANNON - DILLON AERO M134D GATLING GUN - MAGPUL MASADA ASSAULT RIFLE - KNIGHT'S ARMAMENT PERSONAL DEFENSE WEAPON

EP6 Future Warrior Mar 12, 2008

Future weapons tests an amazing state-of-the-art weapon that can be converted from assault rifle to sniper rifle in seconds; the family car that can withstand bombs and bullets and even fight back; the unmanned ground vehicle being developed to fight alongside troops in the field and the latest portable spy in the sky that gives you a bird's eye view of the enemy.

EP7 Hard Target Mar 19, 2008

Future weapons set out to test yet another group of advanced new weapons. The first is a new super light armor for rubber raiding craft; then they test out new ammo for the Milkor multiple grenade launcher, which is able to reach out to at least half a mile. Then they test the latest generation of UAV attack plane: and finally they test out an assault rifle round that's capable of reaching out to at least 1200 yards and yet it's still able to be supersonic at that distance.

EP8 Israel Special 2 Mar 19, 2008

Future weapons heads back out east to check out some of the latest weapons be tested and put to use by the Israeli armed forces. First they'll take a look at anti-missile shield system called the iron fist; then they'll take a look at a newly developed battle tank called the Merkava IV. Then they'll go test the destructive power of a Delilah cruise missile; then they'll go test out a new air defense system that is very capable of taking out many different kinds of missiles.

EP9 Kill Zone Mar 26, 2008

Future weapons get to preview a new revolution in air warfare; they also take a look at the amazing optic sight for assault rifles. Also they take a look at a massive assault rifle that can fire .50 caliber rounds.

EP10 Alaska Special Apr 24, 2008

Future weapons set out to test a few weapons on how they operate in arctic conditions; which include the Stryker Mobile Gun System, the M56E1 Smoke Generator and the Arctic Warfare Super Magnum Sniper Rifle.
7.4| 0h30m| TV-PG| en| More Info
Released: 19 April 2006 Ended
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Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: http://www.dsc.discovery.com/fansites/futureweapons/futureweapons.html

Future Weapons, sometimes also written as FutureWeapons and Futureweapons, is a television series that premiered on April 19, 2006 on the Discovery Channel. Host Richard "Mack" Machowicz, a former Navy SEAL, reviews and demonstrates the latest modern weaponry and military technology. The program is currently broadcast on the Discovery Channel and Military Channel.

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Gregory Don't get me wrong, I know how to rate on a 10 scale and this show doesn't deserve to be higher than 4. I hate it so much that I go political every time I see it on the discovery channel.Do not boast until you see the enemy dead.Some ex US navy guy tells us about the FUTURE of warfare. The show covers everything from bullets and guns to planes and bombs. Looking at it you must ask yourself "If war breaks out tomorrow I will have this stuff as standard issue?! I'm so cannon fodder." Does anybody think of how this stuff will be deployed in actual combat?! Half of the developers never had their face in the mud under heavy fire. How can they be EXPERTS to develop weapons for boys on foreign grounds? They always say "Our weapon is the best" without actually having hundreds of satisfied costumers. And do they really believe that it will only serve THEIR side? Really.It's "real fun" to drag around 20kg explosive rods for barbwire. Remember school physics about mass and energy not despairing. That wire will fly everywhere as shrapnel. If the enemy is near I would rather spend 20min with 2kg pliers and not lose the element of surprise. Miniature rifles just don't look intimidating. What is the point of making a super fast gun with a clip of 20 bullets?! The soldiers will be spending more time on reload than actual combat, wasting bullets on individual targets. Why add so much crap on a gun? A flashlight, a laser scope, a sniper scope, a grenade launcher, a compass and a makeup kit for an indoor fight?! Yes, some of this stuff is useful, but not all of it at the same time. And what if there is a natural wear and tear malefaction in the firing mechanism? All that stuff becomes useless as the gun! It will never beat 2 rifles and pack of grenades. I will NOT disassemble the gun unless there is a malfunction, and will NOT drag around extra parts for it. It's cheaper, safer, faster and easier to pick up enemy weapons on the battlefield."Our armor is super reliable but I won't put it on to demonstrate on myself. See this dummy…" That inspires confidence.Most of the stuff is NOT COST-EFFICIENT. Take one episode where they talk about smart bombs and shows a big bad ass none-nuke bomb destroy a simulated area. Accurate, yes, practical and useful, no. The bomb was delivered by a Hercules plane. Is there a target that needs a million dollar bomb dropped on it without an AA? And what AA can't shoot down an incoming Hercules?! The presentation is noting more than a cheap commercial.Take just the first 2 episode names "No Place to Hide" and "Stealth". So witch is it?.It could be great to watch if it actually had NEW technology (we live in the 21st century not mid 20) like hand-held rail guns, photon canons, EMP grenades or sonic pistols, not slightly better stuff than what we had 20-30 years ago. All they do is show how military contractors full around with the basic mechanisms for billions.
delta-52 When I first heard about this show coming, I was quite excited to see what was it actually going to be about. My expectations were met all the way! Every episode presents few of the 'future weapons' - technical specifications and downrange tests - hosted by Mack, an ex-Navy SEAL. Every episode, every new weapon had a unique freshness and originality to it that made the show extremely watchable and exciting... which brings me to Season 3. When taking a look back onto previous seasons, I cannot shake this feeling that Season 3 was recorded under coercion, without inspiration and, probably, hoping to win watchers on show's previous glory. The weapons that were presented lacked the originality of Season 1&2, there was nothing special about them and it seemed like the producers worked hard to find anything 'future' just as to fill the show's runtime (results = less originality). Thumbs down for Season 3 - it could be better!