In the winter of 1972, ten contestants enter the fishtank. under constant surveillance, the ten "fish" will have no outside contact, except for messages sent live from viewers at home. by remaining in the tank, and staying ahead of their opponents in challenges, one winner will walk away with a 50k grand prize. What's gonna happen next in this here Fishtank? Well, you never know!
EP2 madhouseOct 20, 2024
EP3 true romanceOct 27, 2024
Two of the boys have been tusslin' and carryin' on and fightin', and now it seems almost certain one of them will be going home! Which of the boys will it be?!
Fishtank is a fully monitored smart house, live 24/7 for 6 weeks. Contestants compete in challenges, against eachother, and against the audience. The last one remaining takes home the prize.