Figure It Out

Figure It Out

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Pogo Stick & Maple Syrup Jun 10, 2012

Join Nick Stars as they try to figure out what makes this talented kid jump to new heights!

EP2 Grits & Air Hockey Jun 12, 2012

Can BTR stars James, Carlos, and Ciara team up with Gracie to figure out this kid's crazy talent?

EP3 Frogs & Angels Jun 13, 2012

How to Rock's Cymphonique Miller and Lulu Antariksa, and Stars of FRED Lucas Cruikshank, and Jake Weary try to "figure out" these amazing kids talents!

EP4 Auctioneers & Cherry Spit Jun 14, 2012

Join Nick Stars Matt, Noah, Max, and Drake as they endure slime and much much more to Figure It Out!

EP5 Tahitian & Turtles Jun 16, 2012

Can the How to Rock crew team up with Noah Munck to Figure it Out?

EP6 Nunchucks & Monster Trucks Jun 17, 2012

Matt Bennett, Jennette McCurdy, Nathan Kress, and Ashley Argota are stumped by these kids' talents! Can you Figure it Out?

EP7 Cloggers & Burgers Jun 19, 2012

Cymphonique Miller, Chris O'Neal, Max Schneider, and Jade Ramsey are in for a surprise when they find out what talents these amazing kids are hiding!
7.1| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 10 June 2012 Returning Series
Producted By: Nickelodeon Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Figure It Out is back for more panelists, secrets, and slime! A group of four panelists popular on Nickelodeon programs try to figure out the talents of different guests. They are given clues that they can feel, see, taste, and also given to them through charades.

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Nickelodeon Productions

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critterdhs05 This is pretty much the same as the old one. The problem is many people who used to be on where way to old to be in it anymore.Alright so whats new?contest has a chance to get slim just as well as the pannel. The way the contest gets slim is a special word. Panel will more than likely get slim all the time in 2nd round. so its pretty much the same as the old show.Gifts to people of panel that gets slim audience members gets a jacket of figure out or some pack back its a crappy gift compare to what the contest gets. It could be so much better if they just slim Jeff supton already. Or change the host once in awhile and get Jeff to be part of the Panel for laughs.
rocio saavedra (OBL_spanishchik72) well even thought i'm not in the USA, i love watching "figure it out" and i wonder why is not on air anymore.. seriously its a great show and i would love to see it in real time and not repeated shows like i'm doing now. by the way Danny rocks! they should consider to put the show back on TV.. seriously i would love it! it's a great show and i must ask why did they take it off the programs? you should consider putting it back or maybe even do it international! that would be really cool! so people around the world can show their talents but without taking the way the show is already. Mexico and other countries that watch nickelodeon are very upset because a show as good as "figure it out" do not exist anymore. "figure it out is even better than "Guts"... really!
ShadyRenegade8 i love this show. it is just mad funny. the little secret slime actions they have are so stupid that they are funny and the main reason for watching. the panelists that are the best are danny, lori beth, keanan, kel, and kevin.personally i don't know WHAT nick was thinking when they took off all the good shows(all that 1995-1998, rockos modern life, old rugrats, doug, keanan and kel ETC). i know other people probably feel the same. but i got comcast and get the channels with figure it out and doug and rocko and junk.i think they should put the old nick back on air because the shows were funnier. but now all that have bad actors and jamie lynn is on there cos her sister is a singer...there is not much talent.
mandms21 Figure It Out was one of my personal favorite shows a couple years back. I didn't miss a single episode when I came home from school. But around two years ago and as of now, the show hasn't been on Nick anymore. I have no idea if it really was taken off. "SOME" of the kids' talents the show put on were dull and not exciting. Maybe the show couldn't find many gifted kids with GREAT and EXCITING talents???