Fauci Unmasked

Fauci Unmasked

Seasons & Episodes

  • 1

EP1 The Trial Run Mar 16, 2022

We all know Fauci as the man, the expert, and "the science" overseeing the response to the Coronavirus pandemic. However, he was also the leading voice on the AIDS crisis in the 80s - and the results were just as disastrous. Michael Knowles exposes our leading doctor's devastating response.

EP2 Concocting A Crisis Mar 16, 2022

Anthrax. Bird Flu. H1N1. Zika. Gain-of-Function. What do they all have in common? The crippling incompetence of Dr. Anthony Fauci. Michael Knowles shines a light on the world's leading infectious disease "expert" and reveals just how ineffectively he handled the crises of our times.

EP3 I Am Science Mar 18, 2022

While the response to the COVID pandemic lacked many things, it wasn't short on authoritarianism. Join Michael Knowles for the gripping conclusion as he unmasks a man who seems bestowed with unnatural immunity: the world's beloved Anthony Fauci.

EP4 Epilogue The Fight Isn't Over Mar 18, 2022

Thank you for watching FAUCI UNMASKED, but the fight is far from over. This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to do what so many others have tried to do before – take back power and remove the most powerful politician in America, Dr. Anthony Fauci. Share this information, tell your representative to sign the Public Health Protection Pledge, and work to ensure Dr. Fauci's time in public office finally comes to an end.
6.7| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 16 March 2022 Ended
Producted By: The Daily Wire
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website:

Anthony Fauci is one of the most successful failures in government history - but the media doesn't want you to know that. Join Michael Knowles in this three-part series as he peels back the mask on Fauci's past, and exposes the world's leading "scientist" for what he really is: a fraud.

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The Daily Wire

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