Fascism In Colour

Fascism In Colour

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Part 1: Seizure of Power Feb 18, 2007

Episode one is about how Mussolini seized power through systematic intimidation, violence and murder. Yet the Fascists were supported by the Italian monarchy, the Vatican and some world leaders, amongst whom was Winston Churchill. Pope Pious Xl, said Mussolini was sent by 'Divine Providence'. While Winston Churchill called him the 'Roman Genius'.

EP2 Part 2: Mussolini in Power Feb 21, 2007

Episode two is about Mussolini in power, as the world's first fascist prime minister. Mussolini dreamt of restoring the glories of the Roman Empire. But military disasters in World War Two left Italy with a legacy of death and destruction. Mussolini's ambitions are seen through the eyes of Galeazzo Ciano. As Foreign Minister and Mussolini's son-in-law, Ciano witnessed the Fascist dictator's cowardice in his dealings with Hitler.
7.4| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 18 February 2007 Returning Series
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Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A two-part film on Benito Mussolini and fascism, presented for the first time in colour. It is the story of fascism's violent roots, and its dream of restoring the glories of the Roman Empire. Benito Mussolini became well known as the leader of the National Fascist Party and the main founder of fascism after his return from WWI. The war had altered his outlook on life; once a reformer, he became obsessed with the idea of power and started to refer to himself as Il Duce. His apparent successes and glorification of violence encouraged Adolf Hitler to organise Germany on the same fascist principles. "FASCISM IN COLOUR" provides a fascinating yet disturbing account of Il Duce's desire for power, his totalitarian dictatorship and his alliance with Hitler that led to the death of 55 million people.

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