Face to Face

Face to Face

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 The Separation Apr 28, 1976

Jenny Isaksson, a psychiatrist working in Stockholm, temporarily moves in with her grandparents while her house is being renovated. One lonely day she goes to a party and meets new interesting people, including fellow doctor Tomas Jacobi.

EP2 The Border May 05, 1976

Jenny goes on a date with Tomas Jacobi. When she returns home, she encounters two men and one of her patients in her house. This encounter will lead to a complete nervous breakdown.

EP3 The Twilight Land May 12, 1976

After a botched suicide attempt, Jenny finds herself in the hospital. As she slowly gains consciousness we follow her as she wanders through a surreal landscape of dreams and distorted memories.

EP4 The Return May 19, 1976

Jenny is still drifting between dream and reality while Tomas watches over her in the hospital.
7.7| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 28 April 1976 Ended
Producted By: Cinematograph AB
Country: Sweden
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: https://www.cinematograph.se/play.html

Dr. Jenny Isaksson is a psychiatrist married to another psychiatrist; both are successful in their jobs but slowly, agonizingly, Jenny succumbs to a breakdown. She is haunted by images and emotions from her past and eventually cannot function as a wife, doctor, or individual.

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Cinematograph AB

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