The judging on EDC is clearly corrupt. There was no reason for Sef staying until the finale. They clearly wanted to build the TV drama, and besides, they aren't very good at judging either. Not to mention the fact that Ellen has her name in the title, yet appears about once per season. If the judging were not corrupt and the judges considered all pieces going into the finale, and didn't just include Sef for drama, Miles almost certainly would have won, not Vivian. Sef won once, with a crappy table on week 2. Miles and Vivian both won twice. Even when Sef did win on week 2, Mile's bar chairs looked so much better. Sef made many nasty comments about other pieces, despite the fact he had to cheat to not be eliminated, and was not at all nice when he was with Chip. He completely ignored the judges advice, and for didn't even make a couch. He made a bench. Kyle, who actually made a decent couch, was eliminated. Oh yeah, he also cheated on dresser week, and the film crew recorded it. He stayed. The judges clearly wanted to build the drama on the show to attract more viewers, but it completely backfired, turning people away and writing reviews like this about their corrupt judging.
I hated the show. It went OK for awhile then the goofy lady designer was to weird, all she wanted to do was make acrylic furniture. That's not furniture its plastic crap. Of the George Jetson era in the 1950's. No real thought. She appeared to be in a "stoned" state, Like oh man far out, I made a plastic desk, half plastic table, and PLASTICPVC piping for legs, give me a break. She should never of won. I will never bother to watch this show again. DUMB SHOW ELLEN . IT SUCKED. THE WINNER SUCKED THE STONED GIRL Awful SHOW GET RID OF IT A WASTE OF TIME. Even Casbar was better than stoned girl. My favorite was the cowboy, unfortunatlly he had a beautiful piece of furniture that I'm sure you will make a lot of money off of, was similar to someone else design. This show prolly won't last. Done with the show.
I really like the show. Some of my recommendations are please get rid of the phony drama. I think we have all seen it so many times that we know they are trying to make it exciting. Not exciting anymore. Also I would like to see it be a challenge and not a game. I think take this junk and make it into something is making it in to a game. The idea of having a room and making the furniture fit was good but I don't think any of the contestants fully understood what was required of them. I think Gaspar just lucked out and picked a color that fit in the room but none of them got the dimensions right except the length. I wonder if they started with a room then every week they designed and built a piece for the room. Each building the same piece. Then when they got to the end they had a room full of furniture that fit their style. I really thought Carley had the nicest couch but it didn't fit in the room. But I would love to see it in a room of her designed furniture. I would rather see more of the designing and building techniques rather than the phony drama.
The show is fun and each episode you can see beautiful pieces of furniture being made from start to finish! How cool?! I love the host Jay and the two women who judge it week to week. They all seem to genuinely care about the work being made for them. It's always exciting to see who will be the guest judge because it is always someone super talented and respected. Ellen isn't always on the show in person, but she is executive producer. I think a lot of people expected her to be on a lot due to her name being in the title, but I think that is more because she created the show and works on it behind the scenes. So the name does fit despite you nay sayers complaining over the little bit of Ellen you see in the episodes. I do love when she comes on though, always funny as usual. On her talk show she discussed more contestants for next season, which would be awesome (plus there will be more seasons, which is also awesome!!). I think you get to go on more of a journey with a show like this when there is more competition. Love it and can't wait to see what other beautiful items are created during the rest of the season!!