Meet Doc McWheelie! She is a Car Doctor! Cars, Buses and other vehicles come to her garage for repairs! Come and see what happens in her Mechanical Workshop!
EP2 Fast Sports CarDec 31, 2014
Meet Doc McWheelie the Car Doctor! Today she repairs a Red Sports Car! Cars, Buses and other vehicles come to her garage for Mechanical Repairs! Come and see what happens in her Workshop!
EP3 Car & Tow TruckDec 31, 2014
Today in Doctor Mac Wheelie's Garage, she repairs a cute Yellow Car with a flat tyre! Cars, Buses and other vehicles come to her garage for Mechanical Repairs! Come and see what happens in her Workshop!
EP4 Christmas Winter TruckDec 31, 2014
Doc McWheelie meets a Truck that must change it's tires for the Winter season. Let's see how she turns a Truck into a special Winter Truck!
EP5 Clean a Cartoon SUV! (Suburban Utility Vehicle)Dec 31, 2014
A Suburban Utility Vehicle (SUV) is an amazing vehicle but it can get really dirty driving around! Come and see how Doc McWheelie makes it shiny & clean again with shampoo, brushes, wax and water!
EP6 Doc McWheelie's Yellow CarDec 31, 2014
Doc McWheelie's friend the Yellow Car meets two Trucks and they all decide to go for a picnic! But there are some problems! Come and see what they are...
EP7 Car Engine RepairDec 31, 2014
Tow Truck brings a sick car to Doc McWheelie! Let's Learn all about Car Engines, engine oil & air filters with Doc McWheelie! Buses & Cars come to her Garage with problems to get repaired! Come and see what happens in her Mechanical Workshop!
EP8 Electric Sports Car RescueDec 31, 2014
Watch what happens when Doc McWheelie tries to repair this black sports car! She gets confused! Cars, Buses and other vehicles come to her garage for repairs! Come and see what happens in her Mechanical Workshop!
EP9 HeadlightsDec 31, 2014
In the Repair Garage of Doc McWheelie today is an Off Road ATV Car with Broken Headlight Bulbs but the Doctor knows how to mend them!
EP10 Racing CarDec 31, 2014
Doctor McWheelie meets a Racing Car that cannot race! Let's see what she can do to make it race like the wind!
EP11 Car FactoryDec 31, 2014
Doc McWheelie is a girl Mechanic who repairs vehicles in her own Garage but today she will visit a Car Factory with working Robots! She learns about chassis, wheels, engines and metal body shells!
EP12 Truck Repairs & Road SafetyDec 31, 2014
Doc McWheelie is a girl Mechanic who repairs vehicles in her own Garage. Today she is visiting the Spare Part Shop and she finds a Car to Repair!
EP13 Truck TransformersDec 31, 2014
Garbage Truck & Excavator & Cement Mixer want to do each other's jobs!
EP14 Car TrailerDec 31, 2014
Let's Move House! We will need a Car Trailer so first we need to ask Doc McWheelie how to use one!
EP15 Fixing the BridgeDec 31, 2014
This vehicle transforms from a Cement Mixer to a Crane to Garbage Truck!
EP16 Toy CarDec 31, 2014
Let's Learn about Batteries, Battery-powered Toy Cars & Radio-controlled Vehicles with Doc McWheelie!
EP17 Gas Tank RepairDec 31, 2014
Pretty Purple Problem! A Cartoon Car's fuel tank is damaged and the petrol is leaking away! Can Doc McWheelie repair it?
EP18 Secret Monster TruckDec 31, 2014
Today Doc McWheelie is showing off her Monster Truck! Come and see what it can do!
EP19 Tow Truck BreakdownDec 31, 2014
Car Doctor meets a Tow Truck who is not strong enough to carry a Tractor! The poor Tow Truck breaks down ...but Doc McWheelie can help to fix it! She collects all her tools and goes to help!! Can Doc McWheelie repair it?
EP20 The RobotDec 31, 2014
Dr MacWheelie is unhappy! She is so busy fixing & repairing Cars & Vehicles... She needs an assistant to assist her so she builds her own robot helper on a 3D printer! It's strong and can carry things. Come and meet "Handy" the robot!
EP21 Robot Breaks CarDec 31, 2014
The robot breaks a Sports Car but Doc McWheelie teaches it Mechanics! Have you met "Handy"?
EP22 Truck gets StuckDec 31, 2014
A big Truck carrying a house gets stuck under a Road Bridge but Doc McWheelie the Car Doctor knows what to do!
EP23 Packing for LondonDec 31, 2014
Doc McWheelie is going on Holiday to London so she must Pack her suitcase and get a taxi to the Airport. Come and help us pack for her Holiday!
EP24 Ride a London BusDec 31, 2014
Doctor MacWheelie goes on Holiday to England! She is in London and she rides a London double-decker Bus! Come sight-seeing with us to Big Ben and London Bridge and take a London Taxi Cab! Learn about the different Traffic Rules in England!
EP25 ParktronicDec 31, 2014
Robot Handy is driving to the Airport to meet Doc McWheelie but he has a Car Crash while trying to park the Car! Let's Learn about Parking and ParkTronic parking sensors!
EP26 Call an AmbulanceDec 31, 2014
Call a Doctor for Car Doctor! Doc McWheelie gets sick! What's wrong? Let's Learn about Health and Medicine with these 2 Doctors!
EP27 Magic LimousineDec 31, 2014
Watch how Doctor MacWheelie makes an old car change into a limousine in her Garage. It becomes like a house with a sofa and a kitchen! Incredible!
EP28 Save a Desert JeepDec 31, 2014
Doctor MacWheelie travels to the desert on her ATV to help an Jeep that has a problem! It's very hot in the Desert but she uses GPS to find the Jeep. The Jeep's engine has overheated but Doctor MacWheelie can fix everything!
EP29 Caravan gets LostDec 31, 2014
Poor Little Caravan gets lost on Holiday! Luckily, Doctor McWheelie is here to rescue it and we discover about Space Satellite Navigation and how GPS works! It's simple!
EP30 Tank TractorDec 31, 2014
Doctor MacWheelie turns a battle tank from into a farm tractor with help from Handy the Robot!
Official Website:
Meet Doc McWheelie! She is a Car Doctor! Cars, Buses and other vehicles come to her garage for repairs! Come and see what happens in her Mechanical Workshop!