Diamond Geezer


Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 A Royal Affair Apr 09, 2007

Whilst relaxing in the South of France, Des and his son are arrested on suspicion of murder. However Scotland Yard offers them a way out - if they can steal a valuable diamond from inside Buckingham Palace, the charges will be dropped.

EP2 Old Gold Apr 16, 2007

Des plans to steal £8 million pounds of Russian gold for the families of Russian and British secret agents who have been killed. Despite Des’ good intentions, will his wrongdoings finally catch up with him?

EP3 Old School Lies Apr 23, 2007

Des attends the wake of an old friend, who died of a heart attack which his mother believes stems from stressing over money and a pension fund which was stolen from him by asset-stripping firm Leyfield-Clark. Des resolves to steal it back.
7.7| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 20 March 2005 Ended
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Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Diamond Geezer is a British television comedy drama written by Caleb Ranson which stars David Jason as a jewel thief and professional con man.

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thegreatflex67 i watched and was again amazed by David Jason's total genius, i swear this man could read the phone book and have everyone totally enthralled i am sincerely hoping this is made into a series,it would be fun to watch the character develop,it seems David Jason can make anything he touches into an absolute classic, his portrayal of the idiot inmate was absolutely uncanny, it was a bit strange in a way to watch him play the criminal after the convincing role of a copper in a touch of frost, but that wore off after about five seconds as i became totally engrossed in the show. long may David grace our screens and bring us such interesting and thought provoking shows,bravo David