DDP Yoga

DDP Yoga

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Breathing Jan 01, 2018

Learning how to breathe is one of the most important principles of DDP Yoga. Oxygen is the fuel for your muscles. In any workout, controlling your breath makes your workout easier and helps to break down stored fat and convert it to high octane fuel. No, I’m not kidding here. Breathing correctly is not only important for losing fat and fueling muscle energy, it is the key to life itself!

EP2 Wake Up! Jan 08, 2018

Before you roll out of bed, shake off the rust and get your day started with Wake Up!

EP3 Beginner Beginner Jan 15, 2018

There's a beginner workout, and then there's Beginner Beginner. For those of you who have not worked out for a very long time and need some modifications to get through the basics, DDP takes you step-by-step so almost anyone can do this!

EP4 Diamond Dozen Jan 22, 2018

The DDP Yoga Diamond Dozen includes the key 13 moves of the DDP Yoga Fitness System. (I guess we should call it a “Baker’s Dozen” – or let’s just say I was never very good at math). You’ll learn these fundamental moves at the heart of every DDP Yoga workout. You’ll also learn about Dynamic Resistance and how to jack up your heart rate to reach your fat burning potential while toning and sculpting your body with lean, chiseled muscles. At any point in the DDP Yoga Fitness System, if you feel you are not getting the positions correct, or if you are not in your target heart rate zone, refer back to the Diamond Dozen. I’ll be there every time waiting to personally teach you.

EP5 Red Hot Core Jan 29, 2018

If you've got a little extra hanging over your waistband this is the DVD for you. Sexy, slim waistlines and ripped abs require a red hot core workout! Take less than 13 minutes to build core strength and create that flat stomach of your dreams!

EP6 Energy Feb 05, 2018

Takes the Diamond Dozen positions and incorporates them into an energizing 23 minute workout designed to wake up your whole body.

EP7 Fat Burner Feb 12, 2018

This time-saving, 30 minute workout focuses on strengthening techniques for those body parts that tend to break down first: knees, hips, shoulders, and back. This no impact workout helps to build up your weakest link that keeps you in top form.

EP8 Stand Up Feb 19, 2018

Get off your butt with this 30-minute, highly condensed workout that has you standing at all times and focusing on balance; the foundation of fitness. Perfect for those with bad knees. Stand Up gives you a complete workout on your feet, with no impact.

EP9 Below the Belt Feb 26, 2018

Ok ladies! I specifically had you in mind for this one. Here we're focusing on holding back the hands of time in your butt and thighs.

EP10 Diamond Cutter Mar 05, 2018

You know this one’s gotta be good because I named it after my signature move. We focus on every part of your body while we build strength, increase flexibility, and give you a cardio workout like you’ve never had. Wanna lose weight quickly or tone up? Guess what? This is for you!

EP11 Strength Builder Mar 12, 2018

This time saving, 42-minute workout focuses on strengthening techniques for those body parts that tend to break down first; knees, hips, shoulders and back. This no-impact workout helps to build up your weakest link and keeps you in top form.

EP12 Double Black Diamond Mar 19, 2018

Get ready to sweat and swear! This is my own personal workout for serious fanatics who are ready for the challenge...or think they're ready! In Double Black Diamond, we turn up the burn, sweat it out, and take strength, cardio and flexibility to a whole new level. If you're willing to push yourself to the limit, this is the one for you.

EP13 Red Hot Core Plus Mar 26, 2018

Even more Red Hot Core!

EP14 Extreme 10 Minute Warm Up Apr 02, 2018

Extreme 10 Minute Warm Up

EP15 Extreme Hip, Back, and Knee Workout Apr 09, 2018

Extreme Hip, Back, and Knee Workout

EP16 Extreme - Psycho Workout Apr 16, 2018

Push yourself to the limit! If you want a real challenge, this is it! The most challenging workout on the DDP YOGA DVDS!

EP17 Mix Tape Apr 23, 2018

MIX Tape
5.5| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 01 January 2018 Returning Series
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Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: https://ddpyoga.com

DDP YOGA is a revolutionary approach to fitness that combines the best of yoga positions, sports rehab therapy, old school calisthenics and dynamic resistance to give you a complete workout that requires NO RUNNING, NO JUMPING, and NO LIFTING. ABOUT DDPY. SUCCESS STORIES.

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