Conrad, Willy, and Doorknuckle were hanging out at the park. Door-Knuckle forgot the snacks, so they bought some snow cones, until then, a thief stole their snow cones. Now it's up to them to get them back.
EP2 Stupid WillyJan 23, 2023
Conrad has customized his gun and has showed it to Professor Willy and Dooknuckle. Doorknuckle thinks it is a toy, so he tried it on Willy, but it was a real gun. Instead of Willy dying, he became very stupid.
EP3 Professor Willy is Held HostageJul 07, 2023
One of the dudes, Professor Willy, has gone missing, so Conrad and Doorknuckle decide to fool around for a bit. Afterwards, Conrad has had a call from an unknown person, saying he kidnapped Willy. Now it's up to them before he gets shot.
EP4 Austin Comes to VisitJan 01, 2024
After a day at work, Conrad has decided to invite his friend, Austin over to The Dude's Crib. Willy has built an invention for everyone to treat themselves with. They'll probably have a great time with each other.
EP5 Ruth the RedheadMay 06, 2024
Willy meets a nice Jewish girl at the store named Ruth. He got her number and he invited her over to The Dude's Crib. But Doorknuckle on the other hand is a bit crazy about it.
EP6 Building BlowoutMay 27, 2024
Mason and Avis mess around in the parking lot until they run out of water balloons, so they decided to get more, but then they got caught stealing by a security guard. So now they have to do something to get rid of the situation.
EP7 Magic Snow ConesOct 02, 2024
The dudes go out to the park and buy some snow cones once again. Conrad and Willy realize that the snow cones are glowing. As it turns out, people are turned into animals and objects. Now it's up to Conrad to stop the chaos.
EP8 The Battle with Professor R ScotsmenFeb 05, 2025
Professor Richard Scotsmen has planted a bomb underneath "The Dude's Crib" and it just takes one button for it to detonate. Now it's up to the three dudes, along with Austin to stop that maniac from from getting their home into shambles.