Classical Baby

Classical Baby

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 The Music Show May 14, 2005

An animal orchestra performs a stellar selection of classical music from such composers as Bach and Mozart.

EP2 The Art Show May 14, 2005

The world's greatest works of art are accompanied by memorable and moving classical music pieces.

EP3 The Dance Show May 14, 2005

Dance moves inspired by George Balanchine, Martha Graham and others are on display.

EP4 The Poetry Show Apr 12, 2008

EP5 The Lullaby Show Dec 24, 2017

EP6 The Lullaby Show 2 Dec 25, 2017

8.7| 0h30m| TV-Y| en| More Info
Released: 14 May 2005 Ended
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Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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An animated medley of music, art, and dance ingeniously designed to introduce young children to masterpieces of these arts. This creative kaleidoscope of color, motion and music features a diapered baby 'conductor' who leads an all-animal orchestra through short musical pieces, played before a rapt animal audience.

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mlgillaugh I don't buy into the "TV is bad for children" hype. I think it depends on the content and the amount of time spent watching. I began watching these videos with my granddaughter when she was just a few months old. I bought the three DVD video set and it was part of her "bedtime ritual" up through the age of about 2 to watch one of them each night. She is four and a half now, she still likes to watch them when she is trying to "wind down" for the day. It was a wonderful way to introduce her to the sounds of classical music, which she loves! She now has a baby brother who is being introduced to them now too. I highly recommend these videos!
Amy B The 3 disc DVD set was purchased for my 2-year old daughter for Christmas. We have since watched all three discs well over 20 times. While the 25-minute running time is a little short for our tastes, it's well worth it. A beautiful combination of classical music and famous artwork combined with child-friendly animations makes these shows captivating for both the young and old. Adults will love the soft music and the famous artwork, while the child marvels at the infant conductor and the cartoons "playing" in the pieces being portrayed. A wonderful option on the DVDs are "Pop Ups" that show you what the titles are of the pieces being played and the artwork being shown. A helpful tool for older children and adults that wish to further their own art education.