Challenge of the GoBots

Challenge of the GoBots

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Time Wars Sep 23, 1985

The Chronos Time Transporter creates a time portal, allowing users to pass through and visit other time periods. Before the Guardians get a chance to test it, the Renegades show up.

EP2 It's The Thought That Counts Sep 24, 1985

The Renegades are at it again. This time sending a probe to earth , in a try at gaining access to a protected base. Scooter decides to check it out on his own. What will he discover, and will the Guardians be in time to stop the Renegades.

EP3 Trident's Triple Threat Sep 25, 1985

The Renegades form an alliance with a cyborg super-villain named Trident, who helps them kidnap leaders and dignitaries from all around the world.

EP4 Renegade Alliance Sep 26, 1985

Cy-Kill dupes the alien adventurer Alva-Nar into attacking GoBotron with his mighty armada.

EP5 Cy-Kill's Cataclysmic Trap Sep 27, 1985

Cy-Kill hatches a devious plan to trap the Guardians with phony SOS of a mining ship in distress.

EP6 Speed Is Of The Essence Sep 30, 1985

EP7 Genius And Son Oct 01, 1985

A remote outpost is attacked by Renegades, who kidnap Mobius and steal his Inverter Ray. With the help of Braxis, they turn the weapon against Gobotron, as Mobius's son Danny teams up with the Guardians in a rescue attempt.

EP8 Dawn World Oct 02, 1985

EP9 Nova Beam Oct 03, 1985

EP10 Forced Alliance Oct 04, 1985

EP11 Invasion from the 21st Level, Part I Oct 07, 1985

EP12 Invasion from the 21st Level, Part II Oct 08, 1985

EP13 Lost On GoBotron Oct 09, 1985

EP14 Cy-Kill's Shrinking Ray Oct 10, 1985

EP15 Doppleganger Oct 11, 1985

EP16 The Quest For The Roguestar Oct 14, 1985

EP17 The Renegades' Rampage, Part I Oct 15, 1985

EP18 The Renegades' Rampage, Part II Oct 16, 1985

EP19 Ultra Zod Oct 17, 1985

EP20 Sentinel Oct 18, 1985

EP21 Cold Spell Oct 21, 1985

EP22 Crime Wave Oct 22, 1985

EP23 Auto Madic Oct 23, 1985

EP24 Scooter Enhanced Oct 24, 1985

EP25 Tarnished Image Oct 25, 1985

EP26 Search For The Ancient GoBonauts Oct 28, 1985

EP27 Gameworld Oct 29, 1985

EP28 Wolf In The Fold Oct 30, 1985

EP29 Depth Charge Oct 31, 1985

EP30 Transfer Point Nov 01, 1985

EP31 Steamer's Defection Nov 04, 1985

EP32 The GoBot Who Cried Renegade Nov 05, 1985

EP33 The Seer Nov 06, 1985

EP34 Whiz Kid Nov 07, 1985

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EP35 Ring Of Fire Nov 08, 1985

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EP36 Cy-Kills Escape Nov 11, 1985

EP37 Quest For The Creator Nov 12, 1985

EP38 The Fall Of GoBotron Nov 13, 1985

EP39 Flight To Earth Nov 14, 1985

EP40 Return to GoBotron Nov 15, 1985

EP41 Pacific Overtures Nov 18, 1985

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EP42 Destroy All Guardians Nov 19, 1985

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EP43 Escape From Elba Nov 20, 1985

EP44 Fitor To The Finish Nov 21, 1985

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EP45 Clutch Of Doom Nov 22, 1985

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EP46 The Third Column Nov 25, 1985

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EP47 A New Suit For Leader-1 Nov 26, 1985

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EP48 Renegade Carnival Nov 27, 1985

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EP49 The Gift Nov 28, 1985

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EP50 Terror In Atlantis Nov 29, 1985

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EP51 The Last Magic Man Dec 02, 1985

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EP52 Braxis Goes Bonkers Dec 03, 1985

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EP53 Inside Job Dec 04, 1985

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EP54 Element Of Danger Dec 05, 1985

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EP55 Mission: GoBotron Dec 06, 1985

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EP56 "Et Tu, Cy-Kill" Dec 09, 1985

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EP57 The GoBots That Time Forgot Dec 10, 1985

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EP58 The Secret Of Hailey's Comet Dec 11, 1985

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EP59 Guardian Academy Dec 12, 1985

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EP60 Quest For New Earth Dec 13, 1985

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6.3| 0h30m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 29 October 1984 Ended
Producted By: Hanna-Barbera Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website:

Challenge of the GoBots is an American animated series produced by Hanna-Barbera, based on the Gobots toy-line released from Tonka. The show originally debuted in animated form as a five-part miniseries, which aired in syndication from October 29 - November 2, 1984. A regular series followed the next year, premiering on September 16, 1985 as part of the new weekday/weekend morning programming block called The Funtastic World of Hanna-Barbera. The series was later rerun on the USA Cartoon Express.

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Hanna-Barbera Productions

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spacemaster83 The Challenge of the Gobots debuted before (Sept, 8th 1984) the Transformers series (Sept, 17th 1984). Transformers is great, but give credit where credit is due. The Gobots series was presented on American television first, plain and simple. Haters should check their facts before they claim copyright infringement and all the other petty charges that have been leveled at Hanna-Barbera for the Gobots series over the last 30 years. Transformers was not even anything like the Gobots and vice versa. Who ever said you can't have two, or five, or eighty shows about transforming robots? The fact that people still argue over who did what first is so pointless. Things do not happen in a vacuum, ideas, innovations, and inventions happen spontaneously within the cultural zeitgeist, few if any are ever planned.Besides, both American cartoon series were based on a mega-popular line of Japanese toys from the 1970's and several Japanese anime series from the early 1980's. Tonka and Hasbro were simply adapting Japanese toy design, animation, and stylizing to American audiences. Bottom line, one is not better than the other, however, in America Gobots came first and in large part paved the way for Transformers to take American children by storm.
Kilik-Sama I remember this cartoon. I was more Transformers obessed. Though, I liked Scooter and Cop-Tur.Not a bad Cartoon. Transformers would be a better choice for your robots.
haoumaru This gotta be one of the saddest cartoons of all time. Even promotional animated characters are better than this. This was just a blatant attempt to cash in the popularity of Transformers, back at the time. Horrid animation, voices, character designs and plots, all obviously a poor attempt at re-create the Transformers' coolness. I would never recommend this,that just like 95% of Hanna Barbera's shows, is a total waste of time. Horrible.
TheTransfan This series was around the same time as the popular "Transformers", but its toys were predecessors before them. The series involves Guardians (the good guys, led by Leader-One) and the Renegades (the bad guys, led by Cy-Kill). The story line is pretty much like Transformers, and I have noticed plenty of similaraties. I can't tell if this series ripped off Transformers or vice-versa, but I will say that if the Transformers did rip them off, they did it MUCH BETTER. This show I remember watching it and loving it; upon buying a used GoBots tape, I cringed at the inferior plotlines compared to my childhood love, the Transformers. This is strictly kid-stuff. The Transformers were much cooler and more interesting.