Chad Vader: Day Shift Manager

Chad Vader: Day Shift Manager

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 The Return of Weird Jimmy Jun 19, 2012

Chad Vader Season 4 begins!

EP2 The Possession of Weird Jimmy Jun 26, 2012

The ghost of Weird Jimmy possesses his brother Johnny and Chad has an important decision to make.

EP3 Commander Wickstrom Returns Jul 02, 2012

Jeremy tells the harrowing tale of his spiritual journey of discovery.

EP4 Brian Krause Returns Jul 10, 2012

Former employee Brian Krause (Charmed) tells the story of how Chad Vader was hired at Empire Market.

EP5 Convicted Criminal Jul 17, 2012

The return of Brian continues as Brian reveals how Chad and Clint became arch enemies--and how Chad is a convicted criminal...

EP6 Vader vs Vader Nov 13, 2012

Chad returns to the basement, confronting and defeating his "dark soul half." He then makes up a set of new oppressive rules. Meanwhile, Jeremy and Weird Jimmy talk about Jeremy's constant conflicts with Chad and problems with the generator; Jimmy asks Jeremy to tell him when the next lightsaber battle occurs so he can take the night off. The two then notice a reactor failure somewhere that once happened to Jimmy previously. Maggie manipulates Chad to making her his new apprentice and Day Shift Manager. Jeremy becomes night shift manager.

EP7 Chad Vader Makes Me Cry Nov 20, 2012

Chad is persuaded by Maggie to fire Andy. Andy sings a song called "Chad Vader Makes me Wanna Cry" and afterwards Chad fires Andy but Andy excepts a record deal and leaves. Chad takes Michelle to meet someone.

EP8 Suprise Inspection Nov 27, 2012

Champion J Pepper comes for a suprise inspection and sees Chad act rude to a customer. Jeremy tells Chad about the generator problems as they get worse. It is revealed that Chad introduced Michelle to Libby who is now married, Michelle breaks up with Chad. The generator gets worse and Pepper leaves.

EP9 Martial Law Dec 04, 2012

Chad commands martial law in the store, placing stormtroopers around the store and ordering the employees to work indefinite overtime to the point where Weird Jimmy recommends suicide. Maggie is promoted to his second-in-command. Chad himself lazily spends time in his "lounge", watching Weird Jimmy dance. Fed up with what is happening, Michelle shoots a stormtrooper and quits. Electric bolts shoot around the failing generator.

EP10 Chad Vader Dies Dec 11, 2012

The generator is still acting up and Chad still doesn't want to deal with it, and ends up making the generator off limits. Jeremy and Jimmy decide to team up and work on the generator. Unfortunately, they get caught by Chad. Jeremy can't fix the generator, and Chad finally thinking that he is incompetent. Unfortunately, Chad is electrocuted and is dying. Chad hallucinates and sees his younger self playing in a field. He is brought back. Once he recovers, he has a staff meeting with the entire Empire Market staff. Where some major changes happen.
7.8| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 25 June 2006 Returning Series
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Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Chad Vader: Day Shift Manager is an American comedy fan web series created by Aaron Yonda and Matt Sloan, who write, direct and appear in the series, which parodies Star Wars. The show's central character is Chad Vader, the day-shift manager at the fictional supermarket Empire Market, who clashes with his customers and employees. Initially produced for Channel 101, the project was canceled after only two episodes were released. However, Yonda and Sloan decided to continue the story and the project achieved significant popularity following its airing on YouTube. It is largely filmed in Madison, Wisconsin at Willy Street Cooperative. The show has received several awards, including an Official Star Wars Fan Film Award.

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hellraiser7 I'm a Star Wars fan, and in a strange way it seems that parodying Star Wars has taken on a life of it's own, it's just such an easy and timeless property for parody because just like the movie franchise the jokes just never get old. This web series is another in that long line but it's one of the really good ones.What makes this work is that it not just parodies on Star Wars but in a way it acts as a series on it's own due to the fact that the story does develop, and you almost care about what happens with the characters. What goes on around them and the nature of their situations is absurd but they act casual about it which makes it all the more funny. This series is amateur production, it's low budget but they use it well and I really don't see how this could of worked on an even bigger budget anyway. I like the use of location they used a real grocery store, so at times they had to film in the late night when it was closed even though it looked like it was day. The effects and action is decent. So is the acting which is good/decent. But it's really the dialog in the film that is very good, some of it is more than just puns on "Star Wars" but some of what they originally say is great. I really like the characters and the absurd nature of them, mostly Chad whom isn't Darth Vader he has some of the same characteristics but he's his own person. He's a tyrannical wannabe, he is smart but at the same times he's not. And yet he is still able to do his job well despite causing some mischief intentionally or unintentionally. My favorite moments are whenever he is using to force on people but it doesn't always work out very well. His sidekick Wexler is funny and at times a show stealer, he's naive and kinda an idiot but is loyal to Chad and believes in the same things as him. Chet is the villain of this show, he's a fun villain he just a butt head that just like Chad is a tyrannical wannabe only differences are he wants to abuse that power and he's just a butt head. And as the series progresses it gets stranger and better, like in season 4 the highlight was the inclusion of the Stormtroopers which was just comic gold.In a way this series is a love letter to the fans of "Star Wars" and to the character Darth Vader himself, in a way there was always that attraction to his villainy from his actions, look and his voice, he was a force to be reckoned with and fascinated with. This series might not be for everyone so if your a fan of "Star Wars" or sci-fi in general then this comedy will appeal to you. The force is strong with this series. Rating: 3 and a half stars
mikeisitt This well made internet comedy shot all in a grocery store is about Darth's younger brother, Chad, Chad Vader. Chad is the day shift manager of the store, and he takes his job very seriously, and even though he freaks out customers and drives away sales, the general manager, who Chad calls 'master', still accepts him.But Chad's position may be in jeopardy as his nemesis, Clint, who is the night shift manager, fights to steal his job any means necessary.And now Chad has to keep his job or be demoted to the night shift, where people go insane over only a few days.This hilarious comedy, originally from the internet was made by two ordinary people, and is a great example of internet comedy.7/10. Watch and enjoy!
MartinHafer This is the first of eight films in a life and death struggle involving Darth Vader's lesser-known brother, Chad. While there really is no life or death struggle, practically everything seems that way to the dim-witted Chad. While looking like Darth Vader (complete with the full costume), he is a bit of a loser and works at a grocery store as a night manager. His wanting to once again become day manager takes on epic proportions and is so utterly silly and overdone, it's a laugh riot. I love watching him try (not very successfully) to use the Force on others as well as all his silly and pointless machinations--all with the typical Darth Vader flair.Well made despite its low budget (after all, it's a small independent production). For what it is, it has decent props, acting and direction, and its an amateur film that manages to rise above the heap. However, to enjoy it to the max, don't just see this episode but the entire series.
I_Am_The_Taylrus SPOILERSThis is probably the best Star Wars parody ever. I actually think that this is a little bit better than Ryan Vs. Dorkman One and Two. This is hilarious. Almost every episode is hilarious beyond words. Episode Five is probably the worst. My favorite is Episode Seven. Episode Eight is coming up. Still, I am here to talk about the first one. This is the one that started it all. This is one of the funniest things ever to hit the world of Star Wars. Every joke is done right, and the characters are well-made.Here is the plot of Chad Vader. Chad Vader is Darth Vader's younger brother who works at a grocery store called Empire Mart. He is the day shift manager. He can not control his powers very well. There is also Clint, who is the night shift manager who wants to be the day shift manager. He also has a grudge against Chad. Chad is not very well with customers and tries to win over the heart of Clarissa, whom he likes. Then in the end of this episode Chad and Clint attempt to fight but Chad slips while Clint walks away.Overall, this is a great series and I hope for many, many more episodes to come in the future. Matt Sloan and Aaron Yonda are geniuses. They created Chad Vader, by the way. I kind of wish the episodes were longer, though. I mean, roughly five minutes each? Come on, there could be much more jokes and humor if it were ten minutes long. Anyway, this is a great series that I hope will become more famous than it is right now.10/10 Recommended Titles: Star Wars, Ryan Vs. Dorkman.