Bump in the Night

Bump in the Night

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Long Long Day/Destructo's Flipside Jan 01, 0001

LONG LONG DAY - Musical skit, set up by Destructo and the Closet Monster fighting over possesion of Mr. Bumpy. DESTRUCTO'S FLIPSIDE - Bumpy puts Destructo's battery in backwards. This reverses Destructo's ego, bringing out his gentle side.

EP2 Love Stinks/Love's Labor Bumped Jan 01, 0001

LOVE STINKS - Molly falls into a trashcan and attracts the affections of a stinkbug named Odiferous J. Stench. LOVE'S LABOR BUMPED - Destructo has a crush on Molly. Bumpy dresses up like Molly (sort of) and teases Destructo

EP3 It Sang from Beyond the Stars/Journey to the Center of the Lungfish Jan 01, 0001

IT SANG FROM BEYOND THE STARS - Musical skit starring Gloog and Sleemoth as musical invaders. JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE LUNGFISH - Bumpy, Squishington, and Molly are swallowed by a lungfish. Inside, they meet Captain Jetlag (a silverfish) who tries to help them sail out of the fish.

EP4 Auntie Matta/Bumpy the Untrappable Jan 01, 0001

AUNTIE MATTA - Bumpy's scary aunt comes for a visit. BUMPY THE UNTRAPPABLE - The boy tries to catch Bumpy with traps.

EP5 It Came from the Closet Jan 01, 0001

IT CAME FROM THE CLOSET - In an attempt to quickly clean his closet, the boy pushes the Closet Monster under the bed, unfortunately for Mr. Bumpy.

EP6 Comfort Schmumfort Jan 01, 0001

COMFORT SCHMUMFORT - Space aliens abduct Bumpy and Squish, leaving "harmless" Molly behind.

EP7 Bump and Roll Jan 01, 0001

BUMP AND ROLL - Mr. Bumpy, Squishington, and Molly try to make a musical.

EP8 I Got Needs/Beauty and the Bump Jan 01, 0001

I GOT NEEDS - Starts with invading Vikings and turns into musical number for Bumpy as they try to make him their leader. BEAUTY AND THE BUMP - Bumpy falls for an antique china doll under glass, who becomes the Princess in his fairy-tale dream.

EP9 When the Music Starts Jan 01, 0001

WHEN THE MUSIC STARTS -Mr. Bumpy and Molly try to convince Squishington to play in their band.

EP10 Neat and Clean/Nothing But the Tooth Jan 01, 0001

NEAT AND CLEAN - Begins as Adventures in Microbia, then breaks into a song with Squishy, Molly, Destructo, Bumpy, Cute Dolls. NOTHING BUT THE TOOTH - Bumpy's teeth turn on him when Squishington accidentally pulls them out trying to fix a sore tooth.

EP11 Water Way to Go/Cold Turkey Jan 01, 0001

WATER WAY TO GO - Squishington withers and drys up when the plumber turns off the water. COLD TURKEY - A frozen turkey comes to life and escapes from the freezer

EP12 Made in Japan II Jan 01, 0001

MADE IN JAPAN II - Little robot returns to America and seeks aid from Squishington and Mr. Bumpy after learning that his factory has orders to destroy him.

EP13 Not a Leg to Stand On Jan 01, 0001

NOT A LEG TO STAND ON - Bumpy is accused of stealing Molly's feet
8| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 10 September 1994 Ended
Producted By: Greengrass Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: http://www.bradysbeasts.com/content_en/home.html

Bumpy, an energetic sock-eating monster who lives under a boy's bed, is constantly getting into mischief, with his friends Squishington and Molly Coddle.

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Greengrass Productions

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Midnight Sun This show had smooth claymation, wacky humor and a small cast of entertaining characters: Mr. Bumpy, the green, sock-eating, wise-cracking monster, Squishington, the kind but neurotic bathroom monster and Molly Coddle, the loyal comfort doll. (You know the writing is good when some segments get by on just two of them!) They were backed by a great voice cast too, with guests including Brad Garrett as a baby and Gilbert Gottfried as a stinkbug. It also had a catchy intro which perfectly set the mood, and some pixelated flash-animated shorts which could be described as "cartoons on a Super Nintendo".Unfortunately, the show declined in quality during the second season, allegedly when it became a co-production with DIC Entertainment. I started noticing close-up shots of characters being re-used often, and it's also when the "Karaoke Cafe" segments were introduced. These were montages of previous footage set to music, sandwiched between a minute or two of new animation. What's worse is these often made up half of an episode, alongside a rerun segment for the other half. Budget problems, I assume.
crappyemailrepository This show didn't last, more's the pity, but I have to put it up there near The Tick as one of the most brilliant, hilariously postmodern "children's" TV shows. The quotes there mean that, yeah, it was theoretically marketed to kids, but I and, I suspect, many other 20-somethings of the day who happened upon it made a point of watching it ever after.A smelly-sock-hole-eating hero, his honest but squishy friend (never figured out what he was... a mold?), the control-freak comfort doll, and of course the closet monster composed of laundry, all animated in *genuine claymation*, not crappy CG effects!The musical Christmas special, as Mr. Bumpy plots to voyage to the North Pole to steal Santa's bag of toys, was particularly great.Sean
Groverclevland2224 I only caught it a few times on its final run on toon disney and loved it. i was wondering if anyone knew if it was avalible on video or dvd. it was a great short lived show. the only times i saw it was on vacations at places with toon disney (ex. Disney world) by the time toon disney was avalible in pittsburgh most good shows were kicked off of toon disney, such shows as raw toonage, tail spin which is till on but at weird times. this was a classic claymation show which should be treated with respect and brought back on tv. but if it is availible on video then it dosen't have to come back. there are many short lived seires which should be brought back. we should start a petition to bring these shows back
PJS-5 A rather mistreated series,(but ABC is as 2nd as bad as fox when it comes to this),of the adrenaline-surged under-the-bed monster,neat-freak but still gold-hearted blob bathroom monster,& a very kind but strong-determined rag doll(or as known as a comfort doll),you might be placed off by the fact that is has been consirdered as the "Gumby" of the 90's,don't be it has high amount of comic hijinx & well-placed in storylines(the theme & karoke cafe songs have no complaints whatsoever),the only pity is that ABC placed this off but it at least lasted a bit more than the other high-quality program Reboot.