Bubble Guppies


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6.3| 0h30m| TV-Y| en| More Info
Released: 24 January 2011 Returning Series
Producted By: Nelvana
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: http://www.nickjr.com/bubble-guppies/

The adventures of seven fish-tailed kids- Molly, Gil, Oona, Deema, Nonny, Goby, and Zooli!

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invisibleunicornninja I'm gonna ignore any educational aspects of this show and am just going to describe my experience with in this review. Back when I was younger, and in the target audience of this show, I watched it because I liked the idea of a show with the characters as merpeople underwater. The problem is that they don't really do anything with it. Except for maybe a few scenes there is no reason why the characters are part fish. I remember marathoning this show looking for an episode where they did something interesting with the environment. I eventually stopped because I got annoyed that every episode is the same thing. I get that this show is the type that tends to have very similar set ups for every episode, but there are almost no variations in the set ups. Maybe in the newer seasons (at the time I watched this there were maybe two seasons) they change it up, but from what I remember every episode was beat-for-beat the same time. I will never understand how some kids don't get bored when every episode of a show is the same thing over and over.
adriana-valenzuela159 I freakin' love this cartoon. It's not just one of my favorite cartoon shows or one of my favorite Nickelodeon/Nick Jr. shows, it's one of my favorite shows period. It's well written, well acted, well animated, just...well everything! The characters are very memorable and likable so that you remember what they look like and what they do. The animation is really top notch and looks beautiful. The songs are easily the best I've ever heard. They are fun to listen to and you want to know what the lyrics are so that you can sing along. I'm pretty much college aged and I love this show so much. Most people would call this a guilty pleasure, but I don't. This is definitely a pleasure, but I have nothing to feel guilty about.
Mike Young the characters of this show are the best and well created of this TV show. the voice acting is pretty good for the first time, but it's acceptable for me. the episodes are, without a doubt, outstandingly best and the most valuable production of this show whatsoever. Nickelodeon, because of your outstanding episode writing and the outstandingly best graphics i have ever enjoyed, i would like to see the whole bubble guppies characters in 2D because you are the most valuable studio production company i have ever watched in my whole life. you made some great shows such as Spongebob, fairly odd parents, Rugrats, all that, avatar the last Airbender, Drake and Josh, invader Zim, and Danny phantom. the moments are the greatest and funny in this show. I recommend this show to preschoolers and other kids to try out. Nickelodeon, please let the bubble guppies shine in until 2016.
Bcbflies Not since Charles Schultz's Charlie Brown and the Peanuts gang have we seen an animated ensemble with such range and heart.1. Unique and easily identifiable personalities: Whether it's the eccentric Deema...sensitive Oona...or the Linus-like Nonny...the Bubble Guppies' range of personalities make it easy for many types of kids to identify with them.2. Musical Soundscape: If you thought the Peanuts' signature songs were catchy (and Vince Guaraldi's timeless themes certainly are), you will be pleasantly surprised by the breadth of songs in the Guppy shows. Upbeat pop tunes...a teacher that raps...with occasional forays into country, rock, Mexican, and Italian genre's all creates a vibrant background for the Guppies' adventures. Catchy lyrics like,"...without my bones I'd be like gelatin - thank goodness for my skeleton!" are fun for even adults to sing.3. Adult Interaction: Whereas the Peanuts crew were largely set apart from the adult world, the Guppies have constant, positive (though not patronizing) contact with adults in their adventures. Their teacher, Mr. Grouper, is never condescending and always encourages them to "think about it." 4. Top-notch Animation: The computer graphic-generated characters and seascapes can do things like defocusing backgrounds to emphasize characters or an object. Incredible pallettes of colors keep a toddler's attention! 5. Modern themes: From recycling to pet adoption and responsibility, each Guppy show is packed with lots of learning. They explore teamwork in numerous episodes and the value of diversity is constantly reinforced by the multicultural ensemble.6. Exposure to new experiences: As well as having the Guppies' best song (Bunch of Bones)the "Call a Clambulance" episode also deals with the scary event of being hurt, going to the hospital and getting an X-ray. They even make up a cute song about going for a checkup and explain, in their typical upbeat frankness, that though shots DO hurt, they keep us from getting sick. Sticky topic, well-handled by this honest and happy troupe! I think Charles Schultz would approve!