Brad Neely's Harg Nallin' Sclopio Peepio

Brad Neely's Harg Nallin' Sclopio Peepio

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 For Streep Jul 10, 2016

Special guest star Mary Elizabeth Winstead. Sketches include: Cute Corner, Doo-Doo Man, Li'l Perf, The Most Real Man in the World, Swamp Hag, Donald Sutherland Flavor Potato Chips and Fruit Blood: Cocks.

EP2 For Knowles Jul 17, 2016

Special guest star Lizzo. Sketches include: I Wanna Live on a Mountain, Let Me Rate You, Beach Narc, Kid Pigs, In the Year 2053, My Roommate Is God and Fruit Blood: Don't Make Me Laugh.

EP3 For Aretha Jul 24, 2016

Special guest star Andre 3000. Sketches include: Vin Diesel: The Ride, Kidney Stone Fairy, Perv Alert, Human History with Andre 3000, Where Tom Hardy At?, Two Sided Dice and Selena Gomez Stares at Fire.

EP4 For Blanchett Jul 31, 2016

Special guest star Lizzo. Sketches include: Baby Sleuths, Poompf, Ilana Glazer Does Accents, Pre-Teen with a Predator Head, Coked Up Paddle Boarder and Fruit Blood: This Is How We Screw.

EP5 For the Jenners Aug 07, 2016

Special guest star Chelsea Peretti. Sketches include: Spy on Your Lover, Wrong Face, Humpington, My Dog Is a Ghost, Hamster Band, "Something I Read" with Chelsea Peretti and Fruit Blood: #27.

EP6 For Winona Aug 14, 2016

Special guest star Lizzo. Sketches include: Jabber Honkey: An HBO Miniseries Event, TV Guidance Counselor, Polygamists of the Trees, Nerf Dad, Man Things, New Barbies and Fruit Blood: Haircut.

EP7 For Sarandon Aug 21, 2016

Special guest star Kristen Schaal Sketches include: Stay Naked, A Day in the Life of Kristen Schaal, Testicular Answers, Alien Autopsy Theater, I ❤ LA, Librarian Complex, Leaf Blower and My Boyfriend.

EP8 For Johansson Aug 28, 2016

Special guest star Lizzo. Sketches include: Fluvia's Horse Battle, Hippie Hair Businessman, Kitty in a Close-Up, Morphers, iJet, Buyer's Remorse, White James Brown, Fuck Your Pink Box and Fruit Blood: Holes.

EP9 For Charlize Sep 11, 2016

Special guest star Jeffrey Tambor. Sketches include: Bruce Willis In: Bruce Willis, Crimplestiltskin, Wise Advice from Jeffrey Tambor, White Power Rangers, Jennifer Misty's Christmas Prayer to Y'All and Fruit Blood: Sex Cave.

EP10 For Alba Sep 18, 2016

Special guest star Father John Misty. Sketches include: This Is America with Father John Misty, Cool Therapist, Urban Keith, Uber and Out, Things to Be Afraid Of, World War Wrong, Wiz of Oz and The Real Voice of Tom Hanks.
6.2| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 10 July 2016 Ended
Producted By: Titmouse
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website:

Brad Neely's Harg Nallin' Sclopio Peepio is an American animated television series created by Brad Neely. Formatted as a sketch comedy show, it is made up of short films and routines, with songs composed by Neely.

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Daniel Schaub The commercials were just obnoxious enough to entice me into watching this new piece on adult swim. Times come and things change, Metalocalypse and Moral Oral had their runs and as much I would like to see more stuff like that, I know I have to be open to the idea of change and welcoming in different animation styles and brands of comedy. Rick And Morty did a good job with that.The humor of this show obviously wasn't intended to be conventional, which is not a bad thing in itself, but what it ends up being is insulting to the viewer's intelligence and just plain boring. The script and the music aren't laughable whatsoever, and the art style is ugly. I can't see this being renewed for another season. There are many better animators and writers out there that are hungry to make a name for themselves.
Dave Davis Seems like there's a lot of hate for this on here, but I for one really, really love it. It's amazing how resentful people can be if you don't make them laugh.After 6 episodes there's only been a couple of skits that didn't raise some amusement in me and quite a few that made me do that hard sought after response comedy writers seek- laughing out loud.The nature of the show means ideas are dispensed with as quickly as they are established, and quite often it's the suggestion of these ideas being more fleshed out that is hilarious in itself. Pre-teen with a Predator Head? Amazing. Polygamists of the Trees? Brilliant. Other sketches are fully formed jokes, or catchy, absurd songs. Looking forward to the release of Fruit Bloods album.So yeah, don't let the terrible reviews put you off. You might just love it as much as me.
duncan-of-that-ilk I sat through three episodes of this bilge and could not believe how truly dismal it is. It's like some teen putting on a show for his mates, but the kid has only vaguely understood what humour is. But his mates have to sit there and pretend to love it - maybe he's got leukemia or something.One sketch - to use the word very generously - was a weird-looking geezer ambling sideways while the refrain "ain't gonna hit dat" repeated again and again, with no reference to anything earlier. For about thirty seconds. Which felt like a long time out of a ten- minute show. Although it was a long ten minutes, devoid of even a smirk.Then they played it again later in the show, similarly without adding anything funny to it.How this got commissioned, how it was pitched ad a posse of TV mavens agreed to take a punt on it, defies explanation. One can only assume the creator is a whole lot better of a salesman than he is a humorist.I've had more fun sitting in the dark and crying, than I had watching this show.
elcairo-50915 A lot of people complain about this but honestly I like it a lot. So far I've watched up to episode 4. with 3 and 4 being my favorite so far. I admit not every sketch is funny sometimes its just random with no point. However,not every Robot Chicken sketch is gold either. To sum it up, the show is a blend between Robot Chicken and China,IL with some Stephen Lynch, Bo Burnham, Jon Lajoie nonsensical style catchy comedic songs thrown in all wrapped up in the brain of Brad Neely. If you like Absolutely indirect viral videos like most of the funny or die sketches or movies like "clerks" or "the room" then Brad Neely's "Harg Nallin' Scorpio Peepio" is something you should check out at least for a few episodes