The animated family sitcom has become a staple of cable television ever since the Simpsons found worldwide acclaim in the 90's. Its become the "Superhero movie" of TV: an over saturated genre with all too many duds. Bordertown, despite its clear political inspirations, is not one of those duds.All the characters you know from previous shows are here. The bumbling everyman dad, the stay at home mother, the overweight daughter, and the young child that seems too aware of whats happening around them for their age. The concepts are nothing new, but you'll be surprised how many of the jokes stick. The comedy ranges from juvenile humor to quick, intelligent quips that will go over your head if you aren't paying attention. If you do, you'll be rewarded with what is in my opinion some of the smartest animated comedy in years.Lets address the elephant in the room; Yes, it is very clear that this show is capitalizing off of the current political climate in the United States. This would certainly bother me a lot more if the virtues and shortcomings of both the left and right were not properly represented, but they are. You never get the sense that the writers lean one way or another, they simply recognize the faults in the system at both ends. It's refreshing to see this bipartisan approach when so much media in the past few years has had an obvious political agenda.No, it isn't perfect, but it's very much worth your time if you've found yourself looking for a smart show disguised as a cookie cutter dumb animated sitcom.
Some reviewers try to assign depth to this show that just isn't there. These same people must have written thesis papers on the philosophical lessons imparted by The Three Stooges. Warner Brothers cartoons had more depth. And laughs. Ironically, the only thing funny about Bordertown is the reviews saying viewers are too PC to laugh at it. It's just a lame, forgettable show. There's a reason why it was swiftly cancelled.
Paul Senpai
80% of all the characters are stupid and you hate them 1) because they looks horrible and 2) because they are stupid, but not in the good way like in Family Guy... The jokes are sometimes good, sometimes they are too over the top and sometimes the jokes are just retarded. The art style will most likely off put a lot of people off and maybe the racist jokes will help too... I like the openings with Bud and El Coyote in the in the style of the Road Runner Show.So if you like Family Guy and you are not easily offended you will have a laugh or two. But if you love Family Guy you most likely will hate the show.