

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 There U Go Mar 11, 2020

As the gang heads to Homecoming, some with sex on their mind, it becomes clear how everyone has (or hasn't) changed since Simone and Bryson's breakup.

EP2 Love Shoulda Brought You Home Mar 18, 2020

Going back to the day of Simon and Bryson's breakup, the gang gives their versions of what went down, revealing what they think of their friends and testing where their loyalties lie.

EP3 Don't Wanna Love You Mar 25, 2020

The powers of influence are explored when social media influencer Tia lands a high-paying one-night gig at a strip club, while David comes under the influence of a new megachurch.

EP4 Reversal of a Dog Apr 01, 2020

After failing to perform in the bedroom, Bryson pushes past the acceptable limits of male intimacy when trying to talk about his experience at the barbershop.

EP5 7 Day Weekend Apr 08, 2020

Simone gathers the gang and their significant others at her father’s luxury beach house.

EP6 Hot Sex Apr 15, 2020

To celebrate her new job, Crystal takes a solo trip to Paris. Initially more interested in social media, she eventually finds adventure and romance without her phone, coming into her own as a new strong, sexy, independent Crysta

EP7 Feels Like Heaven Apr 22, 2020

After a seven-day religious fast David enters a dream-like state where he follows the hero's journey to find God, so that he can get the answers he's been looking for.

EP8 End of the Road Apr 29, 2020

Tia takes her activism and relationship with Dream to the next level set on a meaningful way to support strippers; Ari finally gets underneath his masculinity issues and goes to Dallas; Simone and Bryson rekindle their connection.
5.6| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 12 February 2019 Canceled
Producted By: 606 Films
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website:

Follow the lives of Jacqueline Boyer's son and Marcus and Angela Graham's daughter as they try to step out of their parents' shadows and make a legacy of their own. Based on the 1992 American romantic comedy film.

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Producted By

606 Films

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