Blade the Series had so much going for it the problem was it was on Spike TV and after one season they throw it under the bus which is a shame too.Sure the series might not has been as big as the movies themselves however it did have something for Marvel Comic fans and Blade fans too. It lasted only 12 episodes which is again a shame because given the right network it would have been made into a interesting TV series. The plot of the series takes place after the events of "Blade Trinity" where Blade (Played by Sticky Fingaz) along with his new partner Shen (Played by Nelson Lee) resume hunting vampires in Detroit. Later on Krista Starr (Played by Jill Wagner) who has just return home from a tour of duty discovers her twin brother has been murdered and begins to investigate.When she crosses paths with Blade she soon discovers the world of vampires, unfortunately this leads her to Marcus Van Sciver (Played by Neil Jackson) and Chase (Played by Jessica Gower).Learning her relations to the man Marcus killed he decides to turn Krista into a vampire. Now forced to work for Marcus, Blade and Krista agree to work together let her be his inside person within Marcus' inter cycle.The plot of the series was pretty promising from the start having a anti hero inside Krista with Blade being the main anti hero of course.Each episode you see Krista struggle with her human and vampire side as Blade does what he does best. Marcus as the main antagonist his present in the series was that of the classic villain, cold cruel and evil. What he shows to the public is a rich man wanting to help the city but when the doors are close he is pure evil with Chase being his most trusted.Overall Blade The Series had a interesting story line going for it it just that the network wouldn't give it a chance which is a shame.If you're a fan of Blade check it out.
This show was an absolute gem, and I can't believe it was cancelled. In my opinion, this was better than the movies. It completely captured the atmosphere of the marvel comics it was based upon - which isn't to say it was childish - far from it. The characters were brilliantly written, three-dimensional and complex. Marcus the villain had good qualities that sometimes made you feel genuinely sorry for him. The plots were constantly surprising - Krista transformed from your typical tougher-than-a-male female into a seductive vampiress battling against her inner nature. How can you argue with a series that has Shaft as Blade's dad? In summary, a brilliant series - one of the best I've seen on TV in the last ten years - and one which will be sorely missed.
this show was awesome. i do not understand how spike TV could have canceled this excellent show. it was awesome to see blade kick vampire butt every week. the show really hooked u from beginning to end. i never missed an episode and was so upset when i heard it was canceled. i stopped watching spike TV ever since because all these networks want are so called reality shows and take off excellent thriller/drama shows that actually have a plot. i am so happy the DVD of the series is coming out as i will be the first in line to buy it. it has been long overdue. i hope maybe the sci-fi network will buy the rights the the show and start running it again and maybe make new episodes because spike TV never even ran rerun episodes.
has potential... but is a little to heavy on the "bang" "wham" "bof" instead of the plot.Good be a really great show. I hope they give it a chance. right now I think they're catering to the networks biggest demographic... men who like to see things blow up. However, being one a growing number of chick comic geeks... i can safely say that Blade the comic is a little more deep and better written then the TV show. that being said, I hope they snag the necessary demographic with the whole "blow it up and make it bleed" tactic to keep it on the air.... if anything it's entertaining