Bitch I'm Busy!

Bitch I'm Busy!

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Priyanka Calls Juice Boxx Oct 15, 2021

BOA called out Priyanka for not having enough time for her season 1 sisters. To make it up to them, Priyanka squeezes them into her busy schedule. To kick the season off, she makes a call with Canada's first eliminated queen Juice Boxx. To make sure they’re still friends after all the missed texts and snarky comments, and of course to check and see that she’s watching Canada’s Drag Race Season 2!
5.5| 0h30m| TV-14| en| More Info
Released: 15 October 2021 Returning Series
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Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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The queens of Canada's Drag Race season 1 know that Priyanka is a busy bitch! So busy, that BOA called her out on camera for not responding to her texts during the Anniversary Extravaganza. To make it up to her season 1 sisters, Priyanka carves out 5 minutes in her busy schedule to call them and see what's keeping them busy. And of course to find out if they're watching Canada’s Drag Race Season 2!

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