Big Shots

Big Shots

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Alpha Males Sep 27, 2007

Duncan and Lisbeth are divorced but still sleeping together. Duncan gets jealous when she goes out on a date. James finds out his wife Stacey had been having an affair with his late boss. Brody is planning a party for his wife at her request. Karl and wife Wendy are seeing a marriage counselor, but what she doesn't know is that he's having an affair with Marla.

EP2 Tall Dark and Hairless Oct 04, 2007

James makes a decision regarding his marriage. Duncan comes up with a way to stop the reporter from ruining him, he tries to seduce her. Wendy wants Marla to go to couples therapy with her and Karl. Brody tries to put the spark back in his love life. Terrence Hill shows up and is out to get Duncan no matter what it takes.

EP3 The Good, The Bad, and the Really Ugly Oct 11, 2007

James is back to dating but finds it's not as easy as it used to be. After Dontrelle is arrested Duncan asks Brody to help him get Dontrelle's little black book which mentions Duncan. Karl and Marla get worried when they find out that Wendy has hired a private investigator who now has photos. Terrence offers Cameron a job which doesn't set well with his rival Duncan.

EP4 Three's a Crowd Oct 18, 2007

James gets involved with a new consultant that has big changes in mind for Amerimart, which doesn't make Katie happy. During fashion week Duncan catches up with an old flame, while trying to stay true to Lisbeth. Karl tries to fix Marla up with someone from his work. Brody tries to get Dontrelle's book before Terrance does.

EP5 Greatest Amerimart Hero Oct 25, 2007

James is worried about his kids spending time with Wendy's new boyfriend. Duncan and Lisbeth have a romantic weekend planned but he has to postpone it because he's being blackmailed over Dontrelle's black book. The therapist tells Karl and Wendy they need to be intimate.

EP6 Car Trouble Nov 01, 2007

Duncan's not happy when he finds out Lisbeth and Terrence are getting serious. He's not about to give up and tries to win her back. James finds himself attracted to the anchor of a TV business show. Karl gets worried when Wendy says she wants to have a baby, she didn't handle it well when they tried in the past and didn't work out. Cameron has a new co-worker.

EP7 Who's Your Daddy Nov 08, 2007

In order to make a great deal for his company Duncan asks for Cameron's help so he can look like the perfect dad. James tries to get his new girlfriend and Katie to get along. James know some information about Katie's boyfriend but doesn't know if he should tell her or not. They guys don't like Brody's father-in-law, who comes by to visit. Karl's not sure what to do when Wendy tells him she wants him to sleep with Marla so they can have a baby. Zach has some surprising news for Cameron.

EP8 The Way We Weren't Nov 29, 2007

Duncan tries to get his CEO title back at Reveal. James and Stacey get involved in a custody battle when she decides to move to California. Karl has to deal with his old high school bully who wants to join Firmwood. Brody feels the need to compete for Janelle when he find old love poems written to Janelle by others.

EP9 The Better Man Oct 10, 2007

As Lisbeth and Terrence prepare for their wedding, Duncan focuses on business and trying to get a supermodel from a rival company. James thinks the wedding is a good opportunity for him and Katie to have a real date. Brody finds himself attracted to Heather when he's sick and tired Janelle's nagging. Cameron finds out the truth about Zack.

EP10 Sex Be Not Proud Jan 17, 2008

James and Katie cannot agree on whether to divulge their budding relationship. Meanwhile, a public-relationship problem has Duncan and Terrance at odds. Also, Brody is undecided about going to bat for a ballplayer.

EP11 Who's the Boss Jan 24, 2008

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7.3| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 27 September 2007 Ended
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Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Four friends are at the top of their game...until the women in their lives enter the room. Lines between boardroom and bedroom blur when these competitive but dysfunctional CEOs take refuge in their friendship, discussing business, confiding secrets, seeking advice and supporting each other through life's surprising twists and turns.

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soveryme Love, Loved it, Iam a woman and a big fan of Sex and the City, I don't understand the comparisons to SATC except maybe the four best friend bit, this show is excellent, I wonder if men do see relationships in the light of this four men, but I have known Men who are whipped like Brody, have had their wives cheated on them, Have tried to move heaven and earth to gain back the love and trust of the women whom they have cheated on, and have slept with a woman only to have that same woman become friends with their wives, although the outcomes and circumstances are not this funny, these men do exist. Big shots is the only TV show I have been looking forward to every week for a very long time.It's very disappointing that they decided to can it after just one season, this show is hot, laughs per minute and serious when it needs to be, with so many so, so and mediocre, and try to hard shows out there why would they can one as good as this, everyone in my social circle both men and women love this show, I do have to agree with one of the other commenter's' who said that there weren't enough scenes of Brody without the other guys.
anna_8146 I had very high hopes for this show and after a few episodes, I have to say I was disappointed.I love the cast. Dylan McDermott is always great, just like Michael Vartan and Christopher Titus. And Nia Long is always really good. So, the show had good potential.But for some reason there are four principal characters and only three story lines amongst them. Christopher Titus's character isn't in much of the show accept when the four guys get together. And that's a shame since I looked forward to seeing him on TV again because he's a talented comedian.The other big part I react to is that Karl's whole storyline is a comedic one, while the other two main story lines are much more serious. Another thing that makes me almost dread seeing a scene with Karl's storyline is his wife. I'm sorry, this actress might be good in other roles but here she gives an unbelievably bad performance.For some reason I still watch the show but most often I seriously can't wait till it's over.I can't for the life of me understand how the show currently has 8.1 user rating here on IMDb.
Emmjewels For: HowTVshouldbe and others who felt the same way. Just so you should know, as far as I'm concerned ABC NEVER really believed in this show from the start, so it doesn't surprise me that things turned out the way they did. Oh yes, they did show a 'few' promos in the beginning, but right after it got on the air the promos 'abruptly' stopped three weeks in. I don't care what anyone else says, ABC did not make even one attempt to save it (and that means bringing in better writers, or moving the show to a new day and time slot, like they did with the rest or their shows.),so what exactly was so 'different' about this one show? I'm beginning to wonder just what kind of a message they're sending to Mr. Vartan's fans, as this is the second time we've had to start a campaign (although, they didn't even wait for it to go through this time) to keep one of his shows going. 'Big Shots' was a very good show in my estimation, and proof of that was the fact that Vartan and actress Nia Long have had mini-videos posted on YouTube (under the 'Big Shots', James and Katie name) because the fans really enjoyed seeing them together. If by chance they're not coming back, why in the name of all that's Holy won't ABC try a "spin-off" with the shows two most popular characters? We just don't get it.
Dawnsdinosaurs I've been reading comments that Big Shots isn't good. The cast isn't believable. I don't see these guys as friends. I don't think you're watching the same show I am. I can easily see these guys as friends from school or whatever. They haven't said yet and maybe won't. Look at your own friends, don't you have friends people would be surprised you are close too? That being said now on to details about the show. I think its a great cast.I love how James is struggling with his break up with his wife after finding out she was sleeping with his boss. Will soon be dealing with fear of losing his kids to the ex's new boyfriend.Karl and his mistress who when she decided to tell his wife liked her and now they are best friends. I couldn't stop laughing when after the wife has pictures of Karl and his girlfriend, Brody fixes it for him and now the wife thinks he's gay.Brody head of a crisis management company, he could make a fortune off of his friends handling their problems. His wife, who we haven't seen as of yet, has him completely whipped. If she says jump he asks how high.Duncan's story line is great and complicated, hooking up with the ex he's having a great time until he realizes if she gets serious with another guy their little escapades will end. She's torn because if they do get back together she knows he'll start cheating again. In the last episode he asks her out on a date and she accepted, I can't wait to see how long he'll be faithful to her.This is a great show and the only one that I truly look forward to each week.