Altho it had its flaws (as usual to "reality" TV), the first season did have some good moments and wasn't always so obviously scripted, and the stars weren't such over the top ugly American cliches. The second season is a disaster of awfulness. It plays like a geriatric Jackass.
Denise Young
Best reality show ever, loved and laughed in each episode. Hope there are more to come!! Loved the interaction of the guys, and their sidekick lol!.,I have watched a few reality shows and I thought they should stop doing reality shows all together, but this show has changed my mind. Great show, great topics and you get to see cultures from other countries. It was an hilarious show, loved every episode. My mom, who is 84 doesn't watch TV, but loved the show and couldn't wait for the next episodes to air. My sister and I are planning a trip to Thiland thanks to some of the things we saw on the show. Please make more episodes, loved it, an actual reality show which makes to laugh and look forward to the next episode!!
This show is by far the funniest show in many, many years. I loved every minute of each episode. The men each brought their own personality and sense of humor to the show. Many times I felt like I was there sharing each location. I can't remember the last show I sat watching in my living room all by myself and laughing hysterically. The episodes where they were eating a variety of very exotic foods was priceless. One of the best episodes was when they trekked up the stairs to see Mt. Fuji and were so overtaken by the view of the mountain that they broke into Amazing Grace. Many thanks to the producers and Henry, William, Terry, George and Jeff. I certainly hope they do another series like in Europe, the South Pacific or Australia.
My husband and I are of the age that relates well to all involved and their experiences. We've watched all these guys in different settings for years. Haven't laughed this hard in years.I could see this happening for almost anyone in this age group, man or woman. Good mix of personalities and the youngster in the group was a work of genius.I can't imagine a spin off, as this is a one in a kind. Let's see a girls trip!!!This has truly been an experience for all of us!!Thank you Henry, George, Bill and Terry! Love you all!