When I searched for shows similar to Silicon Valley, this one popped up as a match. The rest is history. This weakly made TV series is no way comparable to Silicon Valley. The acting were poor (lame, perhaps), the story was weak, everything seems not to work. This TV series is a complete and utter disappointment.
First let me preface by saying I've been working in web development for a long time. A very long time. And as much as one might think that this show is kitschy and cute, that's true, but if you pay attention they get a lot of the jargon right and capture the spirit of what happens when people are trying to get a new technology idea off the ground.The research, brainstorming to think of something unique, then trying to find some way to make it into a unique app that will scratch that "itch" and will make users choose you over everyone else, it's all here. Why they canceled this show is beyond me. Silicon Valley is similar but takes a more antagonistic approach. Start-Ups: Silicon Valley was okay but the producers of that reality show decided to choose the most a-typical startups imaginable.If you want to see a fun version of what's happening in the startup culture of SF these days, this is the show to watch.
Let's sum up Betas: Hipster stereotype, nerd stereotype, Red Bull product placement, hipster stereotype. Add in a buttload of clichés and sadly stretched engineering jargon and there you have Betas.It's a shame since Alphas was such a great show I had high hopes that Amazon would have another winner with this show. The storyline is predictable, the acting is hit or miss, and the dialogue is painful is so painful I wonder if the writers have actually had conversations in their entire life. I'm iffy about giving HBOs Silicone Valley a try because it follows a similar format.
Morad Elshehabi
I thought the idea is pretty interesting. And it is. I kinda like the business/marketing/programming atmosphere they are creating so as far the plot goes things are good. Yet, Everything else is below bar. The main character has a really annoying voice and limited acting skills. Leave that alone I just had to get it out of my system. I just think the old school writing where you create extreme characters that are not realistic just don't work anymore. So you have the nerd Indian programmer who is social retarded and for some reason he has to not like pants! cuz this makes him nerdy and odd and a "Typical" introvert programmer. And there is the unattractive guy who is in love with a much cooler girl! and of course the extreme version of Barney Stenson who is the "bad ass" of the grope. And the main character of course is good looking, smart but also cool! I think they just overdid the characters and the script is very generic. Add a lot of marketing terms and concepts combined with "cool" clichés and you have every conversation in every scene! like this is how normal people communicate over lunch! Clichés themselves are killing me. Liking when the "couple" have the usual "we work together but sleep together" fiasco and they have to have the "usual fight". It was so cheap and expected and unrealistic. Because any 18 years old can understand the situation and just accept it without breaking up.. but it had to be done that way, right!? All in all.. I don't like it, I don't recommend it.