This show is completely corny. Of course, this is a bi-product of its decade and genre, but it still seems cornier than its counterparts. And most of the acting isn't too great, with the exception of Chuck Wagner, whom I thought did a good job as Walter's complete opposite. The girl was pretty much filler. Almost like they thought they needed to have a cute woman in the cop shop to draw in...young boys? Show they were EEO? I don't know, but she seemed a total waste of film.But darn it if I don't love this show. Cheese makes for a good, silly 45 minutes of entertainment. And even bad sci fi is often good. And Desi Arnaz Jr. made for a good geek. The writers I think went a bit far with that whole stereotype of computer geniuses being totally awkward screw ups in any other arena but IT, but I suppose it did help display the contrast between Walter and Automan, who was what Walter wished he was.But don't watch this right after Dragnet or Adam-12, as you may think the LAPD suddenly went insane.
Though I was young at the time, I seem to remember liking that show alot. It might have something to do with my fascination with anything scifi, but i remember being bummed when it never came on again. If i saw the show now im not sure how I would feel about it though
In a time when innocents has played a part of my life, Automan has been a great T.V. gem that creator Glen Larson and ABC has top offer. It was the very first live-action super hero show that widen my horizons of imagination. Though it attracts more kids then adults. It is why the show got canceled because of poor ratings and expensive special effects. Automan was very original and it should be granted a second chance then. Thanks to the Sci-Fi Channel, it is great to relive all 13 episodes of this failed series.
darren caschera
Hello,I would like to say i watched each and every episode of Automan and i really loved!! the show till the network decided to remove it for some odd reason, as they did with The Greatest American Hero in which i loved alot too. The show was really cool!! I wish it would come back on TV for all to c again.. It was a different show and it was unique thats what made it special..So many great shows came on and left like it was yesterday.. I specially got a kick out of Cursor whom made the show also and made everthing for Chuck Wagner.. Bottom line is it was a great sci-fi adventure for all to watch at that time and i loved it.. So tks for reading this and whom knows the networks make sequels all the time on different shows maybe they could possibly bring back this great show, they never gave it a chance!!!!