Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel


Seasons & Episodes

  • 1

EP1 Episode 1 May 19, 1987

Anne Shirley, who is now 18, decides to remain at Green Gables and becomes a teacher at Avonlea School, putting aside her wish to become a writer to help old Marilla out. She attends her best friend Diana's wedding acting as her maid of honor, but she refuses a marriage proposal from Gilbert. Anne accepts to teach at Kingsport Ladies' College, a private and exclusive school where she'll live through challenging situations which will make her realize that she might be missing on her true happiness back at home. In the end, she returns decided to win Gilbert back

EP2 Episode 2 May 26, 1987

Anne Shirley, who is now 18, decides to remain at Green Gables and becomes a teacher at Avonlea School, putting aside her wish to become a writer to help old Marilla out. She attends her best friend Diana's wedding acting as her maid of honor, but she refuses a marriage proposal from Gilbert. Anne accepts to teach at Kingsport Ladies' College, a private and exclusive school where she'll live through challenging situations which will make her realize that she might be missing on her true happiness back at home. In the end, she returns decided to win Gilbert back

EP3 Episode 3 Jun 02, 1987

Anne Shirley, who is now 18, decides to remain at Green Gables and becomes a teacher at Avonlea School, putting aside her wish to become a writer to help old Marilla out. She attends her best friend Diana's wedding acting as her maid of honor, but she refuses a marriage proposal from Gilbert. Anne accepts to teach at Kingsport Ladies' College, a private and exclusive school where she'll live through challenging situations which will make her realize that she might be missing on her true happiness back at home. In the end, she returns decided to win Gilbert back

EP4 Episode 4 Jun 09, 1987

Anne Shirley, who is now 18, decides to remain at Green Gables and becomes a teacher at Avonlea School, putting aside her wish to become a writer to help old Marilla out. She attends her best friend Diana's wedding acting as her maid of honor, but she refuses a marriage proposal from Gilbert. Anne accepts to teach at Kingsport Ladies' College, a private and exclusive school where she'll live through challenging situations which will make her realize that she might be missing on her true happiness back at home. In the end, she returns decided to win Gilbert back
8.4| 0h30m| TV-G| en| More Info
Released: 19 May 1987 Ended
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Country: Canada
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Anne Shirley, now a schoolteacher, has begun writing stories and collecting rejection slips. She acts as Diana's maid of honor, develops a relationship with Gilbert Blythe, and finds herself at Kingsport Ladies' College. But while Anne enjoys the battles and the friends she makes, she finds herself returning to Avonlea.

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PeachHamBeach Might be a few spoilers...Although it was based on at least 4 of L.M.Montgomery's novels compiled, ANNE OF AVONLEA aka ANNE OF GREEN GABLES, THE SEQUEL is a very engaging, entertaining story that proved (for me anyway) much more entertaining than having read the 4 books it came from. I'm more of a visual person and some of the "older" novels are hard for me to get into. I'd rather a swift, colorful visual spanning 4 hours than a 4 month attempt to read. Anne is growing up, teaching at the Avonlea school, taking care of Green Gables and Marilla (the beloved Colleen Dewhurst) while mourning that her "bosom friend" Diana is engaged and trying to deny to herself that she loves her "chum" Gilbert Blythe. For the first hour or so, we are treated to the good times of Anne, Diana and Gilbert as Diana prepares to get married. Then Anne's travels take her to New Brunswick, where she is given the position of a English teacher at an all girls school. The first time I watched this, I was disappointed that the story didn't revolve around Anne and Gilbert, but Anne's adventures in the Ladies' College are very entertaining. She makes fast friends with a girl who reminds her of herself as a child and fast enemies with the principal of the school, Miss Katherine with a K. Anne finds herself virtually battling a town full of gossip and feuding and ends up putting together a wonderful Christmas concert to benefit the school.As far as plot goes, this, like the prequel, is the ongoing story of a wonderful young woman who lives in an era of horsedrawn buggies, Gibson-girl hairdoes, and picnics in parks with autumn leaves laying everywhere. There is no solid, formulaic plot, except that this young lady inspires love whereever she goes, even in the most grumpy people, such as Mrs. Harris, Katherine with a K. and the sly, troublesome Pringle girls.Loved it!!!
fairygirl411 It's really tough to try to follow up a movie as spectacular and perfect as the first "Anne of Green Gables." However, as a purist, I must admit that the books were written as a series, and this is a necessary part of the story. And the film is well done. What's hard for real Anne fans to deal with in this movie is that it involves Anne moving past Avonlea. We all love Anne so much because, like her, we don't really want anything to change. We want to be Lost Children on our own island paradise forever, and once Anne grows up, we're forced to admit that we have too. This movie's actually pretty good -- and if I weren't complaining about my lost childhood, I'd be complaining that they never made a sequel. Overall I give this one a thumbs-up.
daisy410 Why isn't the movie like it was written by L.M. Montgomery? It is really well done- great acting etc, but it actually gets boring in parts. I was quite disappointed after reading the books- I expected them to be a little alike. Why couldn't we meet the girls from her college years?This movie is good, but has been changed too much for my liking.
halfkraut I LOVE this movie. Meagan Follows is again wonderful as Anne Shirley - the red-headed orphan girl taken in by Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert. Pet Peeve: When the sequel originally aired on Canadian television (to my knowledge the first place it aired) it was titled "Anne Of Green Gables:The Sequel". Isn't that the way it should be listed instead of "Anne Of Avonlea"? Yes, it is listed as such in the "also known as" list of titles but it's just not the same thing. Okay, that aside, if you haven't seen this movie and you like classy, smart, beautiful movies - this is the one to watch!